Physical Activity
About the measures
MnDOT uses the public opinion survey to show Minnesota’s statewide bicycling and walking trends. MnDOT calculates this measure using responses to the question “How frequently did you use the following modes of transportation for traveling to and from places (for example: to work, school, the grocery store, other places you travel for errands and entertainment as well as vacation)?” The survey is typically done every two years. This is a relatively new measure that MnDOT will continue to track to help better understand walking and bicycling trends.
Recent trends
In 2022, 34% of survey respondents said they walked or biked at least weekly, which was nearly the same proportion as in 2019.
Where we want to go
MnDOT’s statewide target is to increase the percent of people who say they bike or walk at least weekly to 40 percent by 2025, and then increase it by 5 percentage points every five years following up to 60 percent by 2040. MnDOT is using the work plan in recently adopted 2022-2041 SMTP, the Statewide Pedestrian System Plan and the Statewide Bicycle System Plan to help increase the percent of people walking, bicycling, or both by creating walking and bicycling access and opportunities. The plans represent MnDOT’s vision for pedestrians and guide state investments helping to prioritize and create spaces that are safe and convenient for people to access and move along state highways (the Centers for Disease Control recommends that adults get 150 minutes of moderate-intensity physical activity weekly). Additionally, MnDOT administers the Active Transportation Program to provide grants to increase the number of people walking and biking to destinations. The Safe Routes to School Program’s vision is to enable youth to safely, confidently, and conveniently walk, bike, and roll to school and in daily life.