MnDOT's standard delivery method of proposals/responses is electronic. Hard copies may be requested in special circumstances. Refer to each individual solicitation for specific proposal submittal requirements.
When responding to a solicitation please make sure you are receiving a confirmation from MnDOT. If you do not, please reach out to the Contract Administrator identified in the solicitation.
PT Notices
MnDOT solicits P/T projects in a variety of ways. P/T notices are open to both pre-qualified consultants only and to the general public. Each section below describes the process being utilized, and the consultants eligible to respond. All documents on this page are in PDF format unless otherwise noted.
MnDOT maintains a list of potential, upcoming Professional/Technical projects. This list is updated on a regular basis, and is provided to help consultants plan and prepare for upcoming solicitations. Refer to the link below for the most up to date version.
Work Force and Equal Pay Declaration Page and Resident Vendor Form
In an effort to reduce the redundancy of forms being submitted during the solicitation process, consultants can now submit certain forms to Consultant Services. Consultant Services will save the forms so that they are accessible to all MnDOT contract administrators for review during a solicitation process. The following forms may be submitted to Consultant Services at
Workforce and Equal Pay Declaration Page MnDOT Consultant Services will only store this document if a firm is a Certificate Holder or Exempt. Must identify the certification end date on the document. If at any point there is a status change, you submit an updated declaration page. Please note, if the information on file is not up to date, it may impact payments or contract executions. If you are unsure of your certification end date visit Contractor Status / (
Resident Vendor Form Form must be submitted every 12 months OR if Resident Vendor status changes.
New Solicitation Forms Packet
In an effort to reduce the amount of data entry on the forms submitted with a solicitation, we've created a Solicitation Forms Packet in Adobe Forms. The packet is a compilation of the forms that may be required for a solicitation. The Adobe form will auto populate data entered, throughout the packet so it only needs to be entered once. The forms must be signed individually to acknowledge that each form was reviewed. This can also be found on the Contract Documents page. The posted solicitation will still include a regular .pdf of the forms if you would like to continue to use those.
Notices for Potential Responder Information and Feedback
Meeting Notices, Draft Scopes/Solicitations, Etc.
The following section is used to advertise informational notices. For example, informational meeting notices on an upcoming project; draft scopes of work/RFP's for industry review and/or comment; etc.
Meeting Notice: Minnesota Freight Network Optimization Tool RFP Information Meeting for Potential Respondents
The new RFP is still under review and expected to be published by September 2023 through a website called SWIFT. As soon as it is available for responses, you will be able to view it through the SWIFT Vendor Portal. Please bookmark that site and check regularly for the bidding opportunity. As a courtesy we will also update this section as soon as it is available in SWIFT. Please check often back as the status will be updated as appropriate.
Notices for Targeted Group (TG)/Veteran Owned (VET)/Economically Disadvantaged (ED) Consultants
Sheltered Market Pilot Project Request for Proposals
This Sheltered Market procurement is issued under the authority designated in Minnesota Statute §16C.16, subd. 6(c). Only businesses certified by the Office of Equity in Procurement as a TGB/ED/VO are eligible to respond. In order to be an eligible responder to submit a proposal for the following solicitation, the prime responder must be a certified at the time of posting and as a prime responder, must add value to the project.
None Available at this Time
Minnesota's commitment to diversity and inclusion
The State of Minnesota is committed to diversity and inclusion in its public procurement process. The goal is to ensure that those providing services to the State are representative of our Minnesota communities and include businesses owned by minorities, women, veterans, and those with substantial physical disabilities. Creating broader opportunities for historically under-represented groups provides for additional options and greater competition in the marketplace, creates stronger relationships and engagement within our communities, and fosters economic development and equality.
Whenever possible, MnDOT strongly encourages the use of Disadvantaged Business Enterprises (DBE's), Targeted Group Businesses (TGB's) and Veteran Owned Businesses (VET).
Important note
The TGB and the DBE programs are different programs. If a project has a TGB goal set, then responders must be looking at TGB firms for the goal. Likewise, if a project has a DBE goal set, then responders must be looking at DBE firms. TGB and DBE are not used interchangeably. For additional information about small business programs, please visit MnDOT’s Civil Rights website at
Notices Open To All Consultants
The following section lists all current P/T RFPs, Informal Solicitations and Quick Call for Proposals. Note: you do not need to be pre-qualified or on any current MnDOT Certified List Programs to respond to these advertisements. P/T solicitations will be posted solely on this webpage, along with all supporting documentation, addendums, questions and/or other related issues. As a potential responder, you are responsible for checking back for changes, addendums and/or questions that have been answered and posted. Each solicitation will identify the last date to submit questions, along with an anticipated date the answers will be posted.
Update of Systems Engineering Documentation and Regional ITS Architecture
Brief description: MnDOT requests proposals to assist the State in review and revision of the Systems Engineering documents and policies and update of the Minnesota Regional ITS Architecture. The goal of this project is to ensure MnDOT’s compliance and guidance of CFR 940.
Brief description: MnDOT requests proposals to develop a strategic network of Minnesota airports that are ready or almost ready to support electric aircraft operations and support electric aircraft use cases pertinent to Minnesota’s economy. The goal of this project is to have a guide for future electric aircraft infrastructure build-out in Minnesota and highlight the opportunities that exist in Minnesota for electric aviation.
Virtual Small Business Training, Technical Assistance & Consulting Construction Specific
Brief description: The Minnesota Department of Transportation (MnDOT) Office of Civil Rights (OCR) seeks the services of an entity with expertise in providing training, education, and support to small businesses. The objective of this contract is to develop a training program for Disadvantaged Business Enterprises (DBEs) and certified small businesses in the field of highway construction. The DBE Construction Academy should provide coursework to ensure firms have the business and technical skills necessary to bid on and be awarded contracts with MnDOT and MnDOT prime contractors. Duties of DBE Construction Program Training Provider include: the development and implementation of business classes specific to MnDOT / highway construction; scheduling and coordinating logistics (e.g., registration, subcontracting with instructors, course scheduling); developing a communication and marketing strategy for the program.
Establish and Manage a Small Business Resource Center
Brief description: MnDOT’s Office of Civil Rights (OCR) is committed to ensuring equal opportunity for all businesses and personnel on MnDOT projects. OCR has developed a comprehensive Business Development Program (BDP) that OCR is committed to consistently administering every year. The BDP is designed to create a framework that provides training and technical assistance, along with access to business and financial resources that help Disadvantaged Business Enterprises (DBEs) compete more effectively on MnDOT projects/contracts and is structured into 6 impact areas. One of the impact areas is building DBE firm technical expertise such as conducting classroom and individual technical training components that will increase a participant’s technical knowledge. To achieve this impact area goal, MnDOT’s OCR seeks the services of an entity with expertise in creating and managing a one-stop shop small business resource center to help DBE firms build capacity, undertake more contracting opportunities, and grow relationships within the industry.
Toxicity Standards for the Qualified Products List
Brief description: The goal of this project is to evaluate the need to continue requiring toxicity information and to determine if a toxicity threshold can and should be implemented for deicing products considered for inclusion on the QPL. To reach this goal, the investigator will research appropriate testing methods (including indicator species), determine how these methods and results are used, and identify or develop standards Clear Roads might consider for product qualification. There may be separate and distinct thresholds for acute and chronic toxicity levels. Currently, vendors or manufacturers submitting products for the QPL are required to attach the toxicity report. As part of the test evaluation process, the researcher will create a clear and concise template for vendor reporting toxicity test results in a meaningful way. If clear and definitive toxicity thresholds cannot be determined for any of the test results, the investigator will explain what other results or factors should be considered for QPL consideration.
Effective Pre-Treatment Methods for Events Beginning as Rain
Brief description: The goal of this project is to evaluate pre-treatment options to determine their ability to effectively withstand rainfall through experimentation with five of the most common deicing materials in use. This research will document the effectiveness of these five materials, mixed-in varying proportions and application rates, to determine their effectiveness. Study results will provide a reference guide that details recommendations regarding the use of materials, mixtures, and application rates when rain is forecasted to precede a winter storm.
Brief description: The goal of this project is to produce training/informational materials for property managers, contractors, and homeowners regarding the use of salt for deicing purposes to reduce the negative impacts associated with the overuse or misuse of salt. Some of the modules, such as the science behind salt as a deicer, will be directed towards all users, whereas others will be aimed towards specific audiences, such as contractors salting large parking lots. These training modules are intended to be made available in both English and Spanish to reach a wider audience.
Small Business One to One Technical Assistance – Focus on Bidding, Estimating & Plan Reading
Brief description: The State needs professional and technical assistance to provide services that will enhance the growth and development of certified small businesses that pursue MnDOT work.
Virginia Headquarters – Building Envelope Commissioning
Brief description: The New Virginia Headquarters is subject to the B3 guidelines. A critical component to a durable and energy efficient building is a well-designed and constructed exterior envelope. The best way to achieve performance targets during construction is to assure that an expert with technical knowledge of the design and installation of the systems being proposed for the building is integrated into the design process and to visually observe the installation of the work in addition to ongoing testing throughout construction. This will be the responsibility of the successful responder for the duration of this project. The Building Enclosure Commissioning (BECx) will also be considered a part of the larger commissioning team in order to create an integrated design with a well-integrated design solution. A separate Successful Responder will serve as the Commissioning Leader (Cx Leader) as described in the B3 requirements.
Date posted:07/24/2024 Due date: 09/09/2024 - Updated 8/13
Brief description: The purpose of this project is to allow industry and transportation partners to propose innovative projects with the potential to advance Connected and Automated Vehicle (CAV) technologies in Minnesota. The Minnesota Department of Transportation (MnDOT) desires a wide variety of project ideas from multiple organizations to establish Minnesota as a leader in CAV initiates. This solicitation is being conducted as an open, on-going request for proposals allowing potential responders to submit a proposal at any time. Proposals will be considered on a pre-determined review cycle outlined in this document. This is an opportunity for new and emerging CAV technologies to be developed, tested, and demonstrated in Minnesota. It is anticipated that this solicitation will result in multiple contract awards. The number of contracts awarded will depend on the size of projects submitted and available funding.
Date posted:08/19/2020 Due date: 02/10/2023, 06/09/2023, 10/13/2023, 02/09/2024, 06/14/2024
In order to be eligible as a responder to submit a letter of interest to a project identified below, the prime consultant must 1) be pre-qualified in at least of one work type identified on the project, 2) be pre-qualified at the time the project is posted, 3) add value to the project, and 4) appear on the Official List posted with the project. Each project below has its own "Official List," which identifies the consultants who are eligible to submit for that specific project.
If the responder meets the eligibility requirements above but is not pre-qualified for the remaining work types deemed necessary for project, they must make arrangements to subcontract with firms that are pre-qualified in those work types.
When applicable, the consultant must identify in the letter of interest their sub-consultant(s), and which work type(s) the sub-consultant(s) will be completing. If there are not firms currently listed on the "Official List" for an identified work type(s), the consultant may provide the work themselves or they may subcontract with any firm.
2026 Transportation Asset Management Plan Update
Brief Description: MnDOT requests letters of interest for 2026 Transportation Asset Management Plan Update. The goal of this project is to allow State to have the necessary data, information, analysis, and tools to make better asset management programming and maintenance decisions in order to minimize costs over the life of the asset. The goal is to be able have the data and information to make better asset management trade-off decisions.
Brief Description: MnDOT requests letters of interest (LOI) for MnDOT requests responses for development of signing plans and special provisions for Project A and Project B. This Pre-qualification announcement will be used to award two separate professional/technical contracts. MnDOT anticipates that selected responders (up to two) will be awarded one contract per firm. The LOI’s will be used as a basis to award the remaining contracts for the projects below. It will be MnDOT’s decision how to divide these projects among the successful responders. Project A is State Project (SP) 6242-83, a multidiscipline project along Trunk Highway (TH) 280 between Wabash Ave in St Paul to the junction with TH 35W in Lauderdale. Project B is SP 2789-182, a standalone sign replacement project along TH 394 from ¼ mile east of TH 169 in Golden Valley to Theodore Wirth Parkway in Minneapolis.
Official List: In order to submit a letter of interest to this project, consultants must be pre-qualified in the following work types:
14.63 Signing Plan Design & Special Provisions - Level 3
Regional Modeling/ Gap Analysis for Greenhouse Gas Emissions Assessment
Brief Description: MnDOT requests letters of interest for consultant to provide support for regional modeling/ gap analysis for greenhouse gas emissions assessment. The 2023 and 2024 Legislature set requirements for a Transportation Greenhouse Gas Emissions (GHG) Impact Assessment for highway capacity expansion projects prior to their inclusion in the State Transportation Improvement Program (STIP) or a metropolitan Transportation Improvement Program (TIP). The assessment must determine the greenhouse gas emissions over a period of 20 years and the net change in vehicle miles traveled for the affected network resulting from the capacity expansion project. Proposed capacity expansion projects that do not meet the State’s greenhouse gas emissions and vehicle miles traveled reduction targets would be required to alter the scope or design of the project or identify sufficient impact mitigation.
Official List: In order to submit a letter of interest to this project, consultants must be pre-qualified in the following work types:
7.13 Planning - Class III
New Ulm Corridor Study
Brief Description: MnDOT requests letters of interest for a study of the Trunk Highway (TH) 15/14 corridor in New Ulm to develop conceptual alternatives that provide a future vision for managing the multimodal transportation system and traffic flow on, along, and across the corridor, with an emphasis on pedestrian, bicycle, and other non-motorized transportation options. The goal of this project is to evaluate existing and future traffic flow and transportation system issues and opportunities and develop conceptual alternatives that provide a future vision for the management of traffic flow and multimodal transportation options on, along, and across the corridor. The study will include extensive engagement with corridor stakeholders, along with evaluation of existing and future bicycle, pedestrian, and transit connectivity, highway lane configurations, intersection control alternatives, and access management strategies within the context of the surrounding land uses.
Official List: In order to submit a letter of interest to this project, consultants must be pre-qualified in the following work types:
7.12 Planning - Class II
Final Bridge Design: TH 65 Reconstruction
Brief Description: MnDOT requests letters of interest for final bridge design services for the TH 65 corridor reconstruction in Blain, MN through State Project No. 0208-169. Through this solicitation, MnDOT will procure four separate professional/technical contracts—separate consultants for each contract—to complete the bridge design services for the bridges in this solicitation. The goal of this project is to produce certified bridge construction plans, Division SB Special Provisions, load ratings, and approach panel plan sheets for all bridges described in Exhibit A: Specifications, Duties, and Scope of Work.
Date posted:08/19/2024 Due date: 09/06/2024 - Updated 8/27