Did you miss the August community meetings? No worries! Check out the meeting presentation and detailed intersection videos below. We recommend watching the general presentation recording first, then exploring the intersection presentations that interest you most. After watching the presentations and exploring the materials, please take a moment to complete our online survey by Fri, Sept. 13.
Hwy 252 and I-94 in Brooklyn Center, Brooklyn Park and north Minneapolis need improvements and repairs. Currently, people who use Hwy 252 experience a high number of crashes and heavy traffic congestion, and they feel unsafe walking, biking or rolling across the highway. In fact, three of the existing intersections along Hwy 252 have historically ranked in the top 10 in crashes statewide. These challenges impact the cohesiveness and livability of the surrounding communities and the commuters traveling on Hwy 252 on a daily basis.
To find a solution, we will continue the refinement of design options that were recommended to move forward in the environmental process. During this study, we will work closely with the community, local partners and federal agencies to gain a better understanding of how safety and transportation needs are being addressed with the design options and how they might impact the environment in surrounding communities, including the people, plants, animals, water, air, buildings, and structures.
From 2020-2023, we evaluated numerous design options using evaluation criteria that measure how well a design will meet the project’s needs. Technical analysis and feedback from the cities, FHWA and various stakeholders were also part of the process to narrow down the possible design options. From this evaluation, several design options on Hwy 252 and I-94 were recommended to move forward for further evaluation.
In 2024 through 2026, we will be analyzing and gathering community feedback on the recommended Hwy 252 and I-94 designs options to determine which combinations should move forward into final design.
We need your feedback on:
Recommended location of Hwy 252 at interchanges.
Improvements for people walking, biking, and rolling
Transit frequency and lanes
Noise mitigation.
Visual quality elements such as retaining wall and noise wall aesthetics, bridge railings and landscaping opportunities.
A preferred road design alternative will be selected in 2026. Construction is anticipated to begin in 2028.
Project purpose and objectives
“The purpose of the Hwy 252/I-94 Project is to improve the safe and reliable movement of people and goods across multiple modes on and across Hwy 252 and I-94 between Hwy 610 and North 4th Street in Minneapolis.”