Minnesota Department of Transportation

511 Travel Info

As-Built Deliverable

Noise Wall Asset Class

Noise wall As-built Survey Data Template

Noise wall Template standardizes the deliverable format for below Index.

Noise wall Feature Collect Index

Noise walls are linear features with coordinates recorded as linestring text.


Feature Class


Coordinates Collect
As Linestring text format:
Lat1, Long1; Lat2, Long2; Lat3, Long3

Attribute Collect Information

Noise wall As-built Survey Data Template

Noise wall

Acrylic Wall

At start and end locations of structure and every 50’ or change in direction


1. Wall Plan ID
2. Panel Surface Texture
3. Structure length
4. Structure area
4. Year Built

Concrete Block Wall

Concrete Panel Wall

Concrete Post/Concrete Panel

Concrete Post/Wood Panel

Steel Wall

Wood Glulam Wall

Wood Post/Wood Panel

Noise wall Deliverable Examples

Example 1

Example of a filled in Noise wall as-built survey data template


Legacy TABLE Z format will be accepted until phased out of contracts.