Minnesota Department of Transportation

511 Travel Info

Performance Measure Dashboard


MnDOT Workforce

About the measures

MnDOT tracks the percent of total staff headcount for women and people of color (POC) within the MnDOT workforce and on federally funded projects. MnDOT also operates an on-the-job training program. The primary objective of the program is to offer equal opportunity for the training and upgrading of minorities, women, and disadvantaged persons toward journey-level status in the highway construction trades.

Recent trends

In 2023, 22.5% of the MnDOT workforce were female and 11% were people of color. The percentages have remained relatively stable compared to the prior six years. During the last full week of July 2023, 13.8% of people working on a federally funded highway construction project were women and 12.9% were people of color. For on-the-job training, 231 trainees employed by contractors were working on highway construction projects in 2022, which is above the 2022 goal of 220.

Where we want to go

MnDOT proactively works with contractors, education institutions, career fairs and women and minority community members throughout the state to increase participation, retention and advancement for workers placed through these programs. Workforce and training programs assist Minnesota in maintaining a competent workforce available to meet highway heavy construction needs and ensures equal opportunity for employment in the construction trades on state and federally funded projects regardless of race, gender, ethnicity, sexual orientation, age, religion, marital status, and status about public assistance.