Airport Infrastructure
About the measures
For public Minnesota airport conditions, MnDOT tracks the number of airports with adequate approaches and the annual percent of runway and parallel taxiway pavement condition for all paved airports. Pavement condition is measured using the Pavement Condition Index and compares the results to a performance target — less than 4% in poor condition.
Recent trends
The number of Minnesota airports with adequate approaches has been growing steadily as airport facilities are enlarged and improved. In 2022, 3.7% of the runway and parallel taxiways were rated with poor pavement conditions, which remained under the 4% target.
Where we want to go
MnDOT’s facilitates applications for and receipt of state and federal airport improvement grants. The Office of Aeronautics also monitors runway pavement condition and encourages timely investment to maintain runway surfaces. The AIRView dashboard has more detailed information about airport infrastructure in Minnesota.