MnROAD | NRRA | Structure & Teams | Geotechnical Team
Improving Moisture Resistance/Control of Pavement Foundation Systems via Engineered Water Repellency
Status: Active
MnDOT Contract #: 1036336 WO13
Project overview
The overarching research objective of this proposal is to evaluate the use of organo-silane (OS) to control water and increase subgrade and overall pavement system performance. It will also explore the extent to which OS can mitigate frost heave-thaw settlement and freeze-thaw weakening of frost susceptible pavement foundation layers. This will be achieved through the completion of four objectives: (1) collect both subgrade soils and OS materials, (2) develop a viable treatment design for field construction; (3) construct test sites with OS (as well as control) and evaluate their geomechanical (e.g., stiffness, strength, freeze-thaw durability) and environmental (e.g., temperature, moisture, and matric suction) performances; and (4) collect data and calibrate numerical models. Advanced technologies provided as a match to the project will be used, including Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) and shape array sensors (SAS).
Task 1: Initial memorandum on expected research benefits and potential implementation steps
During the proposal phase and the development of the work plan, key benefits were selected to clearly define the benefits the NRRA states will receive from the results and conclusions of this research. This task will provide an initial assessment of research benefits, a proposed methodology, and potential implementation steps.
- Deliverable: A memorandum providing initial estimates of expected research benefits, documentation of the methodology, and potential implementation steps - Task 1 (PDF)
- Date due: April 30, 2024
Task 2: Material collection & analyses
Subgrade soils from MnROAD will be collected. Based on the PI`s previous laboratory results, it has been decided to focus on one commercially available OS product. It should be noted that subgrade soils should have a high SiO2 content to be able to bind well with OS materials. Therefore, it is important to determine the chemical characteristics of subgrade soils. Thus, the subgrade soil samples will be air-dried for both physical and chemical laboratory analyses. Samples will be analyzed by X-ray fluorescence (XRF) using a Bruker S4 PIONEER – a 4 kW wavelength dispersive X-ray fluorescence spectrometer (WDXRF)to determine the SiO2 and other oxide contents of the subgrade soil. In addition, particle size distribution of the subgrade soils will be determined via sieve analysis and hydrometer analyses (ASTM D6913). The specific gravity (Gs) of the subgrade soil will be measured in accordance with ASTM D854. Liquid limit and plastic limit of all the materials will be determined in accordance with ASTM D4318. Moreover, the subgrade soil collected will be treated with different OS products at different concentrations to determine the impact of OS concentrations on hydrophobicity levels of the selected subgrade soil. Contact angle and water droplet penetration time tests will be conducted on the OS-treated subgrade samples to select the minimum treatment level resulting in the maximum reliable water repellency. The research team will develop relationships that are not a function of the chemical (per se), but rather the resulting hydrophobicity. The chemicals will be prepared at varying dosages to achieve a range of contact angles in the hydrophobic range (e.g., > 90°) when mixed with subgrade soils.
- Deliverable: Laboratory test results
- Scheduled Date for Task Final Approval: June 30, 2025
Task 3: Construction of field test Sections/development of field testing plan/monitoring at MnROAD
Two identical roadway sections will be built (one with selected OS and concentration and one with no treatment) at MnROAD facility in Fall 2023. The research team will summarize as-built details of both sections (e.g., thickness of each pavement layer, width, material types used along with the locations of temperature, moisture, shape array, and matric suction sensors). All sensors will be provided by University of North Carolina-Charlotte, as well as their installation. OS treatment will be applied on the subgrade layer. It is important to install the sensors mentioned above at least every 6 inches in depth from the top of the base layer to 4 ft depth into subgrade to observe the full temperature and moisture profile during monitoring. It is also recommended to place these sensors at the center of the pavements.
During field testing, frost penetration depth, number of F-T cycles, and heaving/settlement caused by F-T actions will be monitored. The instrumentation plan will involve a redundant array of sensors to measure total suction, moisture content, temperature, and SAS to measure frost heave and thaw settlement. Data will be collected and uploaded for continuous monitoring from both sections simultaneously.
During construction stage, the research team will conduct light weight deflectometer (LWD), and falling weight deflectometer (FWD) (if available at MnROAD) tests on each test section. FWD tests will be conducted before (if the time allows) and after the surface layer (either rigid or asphalt) is built. Field tests is planned to be performed every 50 ft in all test cells. In addition, both base and subgrade samples will be collected to determine the index properties of the materials.
Under this task, the research team will analyze the FWD test results, evaluate the pavement surface conditions [e.g., international roughness index (IRI), rutting] and measure the frost heave and thaw settlement (e.g., LiDAR and SAS). In addition, using the field-collected temperature and moisture data, the number of F-T cycles and the frost depth of each test section will be determined. From the analyses of the data, the research team plans to determine the number of F-T cycles of the base and subgrade layers for each year as well as in total. Such data will be used to evaluate the impact of the utilization of OS on the following parameters: (1) F-T cycles and frost depth; (2) moisture variation; and (3) variation of elastic modulus with F-T cycles. After completion of the previous tasks, the research team will summarize the findings from the field and conduct analyses of the results. Based on the data analyses, a detailed review will be done and recommendations on the best construction practices will be provided.
- Deliverable: Interim report on field monitoring results
- Scheduled Date for Task Final Approval: June 30, 2025
Task 4: Modelling
Modeling will evaluate the extent to which the efficiency of the use of OS varies under a broader range of spatial and temporal conditions, especially in terms of the rate and duration of freezing and thawing, as well as scale effects not observed in the laboratory. Modeling of the complex thermo-hydro-mechanics of the freezing and thawing will be conducted in response to climatic inputs. The PIs intend to calibrate field test results with one of the preferred (COMSOL, Plaxis etc.) platforms [(which will be discussed with the Technical Advisory Panel (TAP)] and then use these models to predict future behavior of these designs. The field results obtained in this work will be used to inform models. These models will help predict the extent to which OS inclusion: (1) impacts the maximum frozen soil depths; and (2) delays freezing of soils, frost heave, and strength loss, across a range of climate conditions and soils with specific characteristics. In this task, the measured soil and climate data will be utilized as input into the multi-physics modeling software that will be selected/decided. This model will be calibrated and then used to evaluate efficacy under other conditions, including design (OS treatment, subgrade thickness), loading (weight/frequency), and weather/site conditions (temperature, access to moisture).
- Deliverable: Interim report on modeling result.
- Scheduled Date for Task Final Approval: August 31, 2025
Task 5: Final memorandum on research benefits and implementation steps
During earlier phases of the project, key benefits were selected to clearly define the benefits the NRRA states will receive from the results and conclusions of this research. This task will produce a final memorandum that clarifies and documents the methodology used to calculate benefits, including any assumptions and steps required. In addition to quantitative calculations (when feasible), this task will also include a qualitative discussion of the estimated benefits. The memorandum will also include key steps that agencies could take to implement the research.
- Deliverable: Final report and presentation
- Scheduled Date for Final Task Approval: September 31, 2025
Task 6: Compile report, Technical Advisory Panel review, and revisions
The PI will prepare a draft final report, following MnDOT publication guidelines, to document project activities, findings, and recommendations. This report will be reviewed by the TAP, updated by the PI to incorporate technical comments, and then approved by the Technical Liaison (TL) before this task is considered complete. A TAP meeting will be scheduled to facilitate the discussion of the draft report.
- Deliverables: A draft final report for TAP review, and a revised report that is technically complete and approved by the TL for publication.
- Scheduled Date for Final Report Approval: October 31, 2025
Task 7: Editorial review and publication of final report
During this task, the PI will work directly with MnDOT’s contract editors to address editorial comments and finalize the document in a timely manner. The contract editors will publish the report and ensure it meets publication standards.
- Deliverables: Final Report that meets MnDOT’s editorial guidelines and standards
- Scheduled End Date: November 30, 2025
Project team
Email the Project Team
Principal Investigator: Bora Cetin, Ph.D., Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Michigan State University,
Technical Liaison: Sinan Coban, Ph.D., E.I.T., WisDOT,
Project Technical Advisory Panel (TAP): Contact us to join this TAP
- Ceren Aydin, MnDOT
- Emil Bautista, MnDOT
- Terry Beaudry, MnDOT
- Sinan Coban, WisDOT (TL)
- Amir Golalipour, FHWA
- Deepak Maskey, Caltrans
- Eric Olson, Solmax
- Joseph Podolsky, MnDOT
- Supraja Reddy, Illinois Tollway
- Marcos Sanchez-Pliego, MnDOT
Related materials
- Initial project proposal (PDF), 5/5/2023
- TAP Kickoff Meeting (PDF), 1/25/2024
- TAP Meeting 1 (PDF), 5/10/2024
- TAP Meeting 2 (PDF), 6/4/2024