Minnesota Department of Transportation

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Civil Rights

Ensuring equal opportunity for all businesses and personnel on our projects

About the MnDOT Limited English Proficiency Data Tool

The MnDOT Limited English Proficiency (LEP) Data Tool is intended to assist MnDOT’s federal-aid subrecipients in completing their four-factor analysis. The analysis is a critical step to ensuring compliance with federal LEP guidance and Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. MnDOT has also made a Four-Factor Analysis Template (Word) available to use as a companion to this tool.

Using the tool

The tool breaks out the data by city, county, and school district. Use the buttons at the top right to navigate to the different pages:

  • City ACS Limited English Proficiency
  • County ACS Limited English Proficiency
  • Students Primary Home Language

City & County ACS Limited English Proficiency

Data is gathered from the American Community Survey (ACS) 5-year estimate from Table ID C16001.

  • Filter: Begin by selecting a city or county from the filter.
  • Data Boxes: The two boxes on the left below the filter indicate the total LEP population by head count and percentage of the total population.
  • Graphs: The two bar graphs provide a breakdown of the LEP population into language groups by head count and percentage of the total population.
    • The line across the graphs represents the safe harbor threshold.
    • The color-coded languages legend below the graphs are in the same order as the languages shown on the graphs.
    • Hovering the computer cursor over a bar in the graph will display the language and accompanying data.
  • Table: The data table at the bottom is another representation of the data in the graphs.
    • The red highlighted numbers are those that have crossed the safe harbor threshold.
  • Safe Harbor: Please see MnDOT’s Four-Factor Analysis Template (Word) for an explanation of the safe harbor. When a language meets or exceeds the safe harbor, the city or county should likely translate vital documents into that language.

Students' Primary Home Language

Data is gathered by the Minnesota Department of Education.

Use this tab when the ACS tabs indicate a prominent general language group. For example, if the filtered selection in the ACS tab indicates the language group “Other and Unspecified Languages” is prominent, use the Students' Primary Home Language tab to get a more detailed look at specific prominent languages in the city or county.

  • Filter: Begin by selecting a county and/or school district from the filter.
  • Graph: The bar graph provides the top ten students' primary home languages other than English.
    • Hovering the computer cursor over a bar in the graph will display the language and accompanying data.
  • Table: The data table at the bottom provides student enrollment data for the top 100 languages, including English.
    • Click the side arrow next to the county to expand and show the school districts or condense to only show the county.

Source data