Minnesota Department of Transportation

511 Travel Info

Regulated Material Management

Building Demolition / Relocation - Bridge Demolition / Rehabilitation

people planting a tree

Notification requirements

MPCA notification

All demolitions require notification to the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency regardless of whether asbestos is present in the structure.

Notification is required for all demolition projects and additional notification is required for demolition/relocation projects that have structures with asbestos containing materials (ACM) with 1 percent or greater asbestos content.

Demolition notification must be submitted to the MPCA and to municipalities that have authority granted by the Department of Labor and Industry to enforce the State Building Code. Municipalities with this authority may require additional notification and payment of fees.

Notification for structure demolition or relocation when ACM containing 1 percent or greater asbestos is present must be submitted to both the MPCA and the Minnesota Department of Health. The contractor must provide a copy of all notifications, including any amended notifications, to the MnDOT Project Engineer.

Asbestos containing material notification threshold criteria

If ACM has an asbestos content equal to or less than 1 percent

  • No notification is required. However, if vermiculite material contains any amount of asbestos, it must be abated by a MDH licensed abatement contractor selected from the MnDOT certified contractor list. Other ACM material with asbestos content less than 1 percent may remain in the structure.

If ACM has an asbestos content greater than 1 percent and one of the following conditions apply

  • Amount of ACM is greater than 160 square feet or 260 linear feet, or 35 cubic feet per project – NOT per structure. Project is defined as all the parcels for a given project combined. Then, notification to MDH and MPCA is required under MnDOT policy. Note: State regulations allow for some types of ACM to be exempt from the notification process but Mn/DOT policy does not allow these notification exemptions.
  • If amount of ACM is less than 160 square feet or 260 linear feet or 35 cubic feet per project, no notification is required. Asbestos must still be abated by a MDH licensed abatement contractor selected from the MnDOT certified contractor list.


Time requirements

All demolitions require notification to the MN Pollution Control Agency regardless of whether asbestos is present on the structure.
All demolitions require notification to the MN Pollution Control Agency regardless of whether asbestos is present on the structure.


The MPCA requires a minimum 10 working day notification prior to demolition. If the contractor does not begin demolition on the start date declared in the 10 day notification form, the contractor must submit an amended notification form to the MPCA before proceeding with the demolition. Any amendments to the original Notification need to be made as soon as they are known.  Expired notifications cannot be amended and a new 10-Day Notification needs to be filed. For buildings, all asbestos abatements and regulated waste/material removal must be completed a minimum of 48 hours prior to demolition. 

Asbestos abatement

The MDH requires a minimum five-calendar day notification prior to abatement of ACM in accordance with the ACM Notification Threshold Criteria. The MPCA requires a minimum 10-working day notification prior to abatement of ACM in accordance with the ACM Notification Threshold Criteria.