Minnesota Department of Transportation

511 Travel Info

MnDOT Policies

Pavement Investment Program

MnDOT Policy #OE020
Effective: July 18, 2022
Reviewed: July 12, 2024

View/print signed policy (PDF)

Please go to the MnDOT Org Chart to find specific contact information: Org Chart.

Responsible Senior Officer: Deputy Commissioner/Chief Engineer
Policy Owner: Director, Office of Materials and Road Research
Policy Contact: Pavement Section Manager, OMRR

Policy statement

The Minnesota Department of Transportation (MnDOT) is developing a Pavement Investment Evaluator (PIE) and corresponding guide to comply with the requirements of Minnesota Statutes §174.20.

At the beginning of each Statewide Transportation Improvement Program (STIP) and Capital Highway Investment Plan (CHIP) annual update, each MnDOT district must collaborate with the Office of Transportation System Management (OTSM) and the Office of Materials and Road Research (OMRR) to develop a district-specific pavement investment program including:

  • Identifying pavement projects to meet statewide performance measures and targets (and district targets, if applicable) for percent poor condition and percent good condition across MnDOT’s three highway systems – Interstate, National Highway System (NHS), and non-NHS.
  • If the district will not meet statewide performance measures and targets over the course of the STIP and CHIP, the results generated by the PIE will be used to identify strategies for reaching the statewide performance measures and targets.

The commissioner must review and approve the STIP and CHIP. As part of that review, the Commissioner must ensure that pavement selections are consistent with the PIE. This policy is effective for the 2025-2028 STIP and 2025-2034 CHIP.

This policy shall be used in conjunction with MnDOT’s Project Selection Policy to select pavement types and final projects for the STIP and CHIP.

Reason for policy

The purpose of this policy is to:

  • implement the requirements of Minnesota Statutes §174.20;
  • increase the transparency and public understanding of MnDOT’s pavement selection process; and
  • assign responsibilities for the pavement investment program.


All MnDOT employees must comply with this policy.

Key stakeholders with responsibilities under this policy include:

  • Commissioner
  • Office of Materials and Road Research
  • District Engineers
  • Designated District Staff


Capital Highway Investment Plan (CHIP)

A document detailing MnDOT’s planned capital highway investments for the next ten years on the state highway system.

National Highway System (NHS)

A network of roadways designated and approved in accordance with the provisions of 23 U.S.C. 103(b), which includes interstate highways, principal arterials, the STRAHNET, major strategic highway network connectors, and intermodal connectors.

The NHS comprises roadways important to the nation’s economy, defense, and mobility. It is also known as the Federal-aid highway system. The NHS was developed by the U.S. Department of Transportation in cooperation with the states, local officials, and metropolitan planning organizations.

Note: The NHS includes the Interstate Highway System and over 117,000 miles (7,627 roadway miles within Minnesota) of other roads and connectors to major intermodal terminals.

Non-National Highway System (Non-NHS)

Any state roadway that is not an Interstate and not on the National Highway System (e.g., lower volume, two-lane roads). There are 6,662 Non-NHS roadway miles in Minnesota.

Pavement Investment Evaluator (PIE)

A long-range planning tool that is part of MnDOT’s pavement management system. It evaluates pavement health indicators based on current pavement conditions and any planned pavement projects.

Note: The user can edit pavement project work types to run different scenarios to see how the health indicators change and the impact that planned activities are expected to have on the district’s and state’s pavement network. The data is used to analyze a variety of fixes and develop strategies to meet the statewide performance measures and targets.

The PIE is intended to be used to determine the health of the district and statewide pavement network as a whole and aid in the development of the district’s Pavement Investment Program; it is not intended to evaluate individual projects. However, the data generated by the PIE may be used as one of the factors in the project selection process. For more information regarding project selection, see MnDOT’s Project Selection Policy and the Project Selection web page.  

State Transportation Improvement Program (STIP)

A four-year plan that identifies the schedule and funding of transportation project by state fiscal year (July 1 through June 30). It includes all state and local transportation projects with federal highway and/or federal transit funding along with 100% state funded transportation projects.


Commissioner (or delegate)

  • Review and approve all pavement selections made by district offices for construction, reconstruction, rehabilitation, or preservation projects in the STIP and CHIP to ensure that the pavement selection is consistent with the pavement investment guide.

Office of Materials and Road Research

  • Develop and maintain the Pavement Investment Evaluator and corresponding guide.
  • Develop and provide Pavement Investment Evaluator training to district staff.
  • Collaborate with the designated district staff to develop the district’s pavement investment program.

District Engineers

  • Designate district staff to collaborate with the Office of Materials and Road Research to develop the district’s pavement program.
  • Review and approve the pavement investment program and all pavement selections for the district.

Designated District Staff

  • Collaborate with the Office of Materials and Road Research to develop and recommend a district pavement investment program that meets the policy goals.

Policy Owner (Director, Office of Materials and Road Research)

  • Review the policy every year, or sooner as necessary, to ensure the policy remains up to date.
  • Ensure supporting documents and training associated with the policy remain current.
  • Monitor state, federal, enterprise, agency, or other requirements that apply to the policy or procedures.
  • Consult with the Office of Chief Counsel to ensure the policy and procedures remain compliant with all state, federal, enterprise, agency, or other requirements.
  • Ensure that necessary approvals by state or federal agencies are obtained before changes to the policy or procedures are implemented.
  • Work with the Agency Policy Coordinator to revise the policy and/or confirm its accuracy.
  • Communicate policy revisions, reviews, and retirements to stakeholders.


History and updates


July 18, 2022

Policy Review

  • June 23, 2023 - Added three policy owner responsibilities to match revised template.
  • July 12, 2024 - No changes

This policy's next scheduled review is due July 2025.