What we do
As part of MnDOT's Environmental Stewardship Office, we work with design, construction and maintenance project managers to develop plans and procedures that promote cleaner project sites, and to protect the waters of the state during construction and maintenance activities.
Erosion control and stormwater management

We provide guidance for NPDES SWPPP documentation, turf establishment, specialty detail support, and special provision support. We also develop standard details, standard plans, and design guidance documents, and provide technical support for making design decisions, plan review, and permit compliance.
We are responsible for a quality control program for certified mulch, sod, and grass seed for MnDOT construction projects. This ensures that approved vendors and suppliers are supplying a quality product for projects reducing the need for constructions staff time collecting samples for testing, approving sources of product, and is conducted by the Minnesota Crop Improvement Association. We provide product substitution guidance, construction guidance documents for bmp implementation, field guidance for permit compliance (MPCA, MNDNR, and USACE), and approved products guidance for specification compliance, as well as technical support to help solve unique environmental construction problems, turf establishment concerns, and soil management issues.
We provide technical support for maintenance using traditional and non-traditional BMPs for the work, and provide field guidance for meeting NPDES MS4 and Construction Storm Water Permit requirements.