About the project
Construction on Hwy 60 between Zumbro Falls and Hwy 52 was completed the week of Oct. 17, 2022. Railing along some of the sidewalk area in Zumbro Falls will be completed in late-November or early-December once the pipe railing is received.
Summary of work

In 2022, MnDOT resurfaced Hwy 60 between Hwy 63 and Hwy 52, including the communities of Zumbro Falls and Mazeppa. The project started in May and was completed in October, and it included the following improvements.
- Replaced/repaired 8 culverts and pipes
- Constructed new bridge west of Zumbro Falls
- Reconstructed road in Zumbro Falls
- Reconstructed sidewalks and made ADA improvements to improve access in Mazeppa and Zumbro Falls
- Updated lighting at key intersections
- Replaced road signs
- Replaced guardrail