The City of Crookston conducted a corridor study to evaluate pedestrian safety improvements to be made along Highway 2 in Crookston. The study also examined the future transportation and mobility needs that helped develop a long-term vision for the corridor. The primary goal here is a Highway 2 corridor that:
Improves safety for motorists and pedestrians
Improves mobility
Improves freight movement
Manages access
Aligns with the City’s development goals.
Crookston Hwy 2 corridor study project area
Results of the study
The results of the Corridor study, along with the proposed layout design recommended by the Community Review Panel, were approved by the city council on Sept. 12. The project can now move forward with a more detailed final design, which can take a couple of years to complete and secure funding.
The panel recommended Alternative A as the preferred option for Main Street and Broadway which includes:
two one-way travel lanes
parking lanes on both sides
boulevard spacing with sidewalks on both sides
bike trail on one side
This option reduces the width of the roadway from 56 feet to 40 feet and reallocates that space to non-motorized users.
A community supported alternative
A community review panel helped city leaders define a future vision for Hwy 2 in Crookston that includes two travel lanes in each direction, parking lanes, boulevard, and a bike trail.
About the study
The year-long Highway 2 Corridor Study began in Sept. 2021. Along the way the study team worked closely with the community in order to develop a collaborative vision for the highway that will help downtown Crookston thrive into the next 30 years. It included:
four meetings with the Community Review Panel
two public open houses
two city council meetings
an online survey
Learn more
Visit the Public Involvement page to review materials from the Open House. Have a question or want to stay up to date?
MnDOT is partnering with the City of Crookston to help identify the current issues and create a local vision for the corridor. A Community Review Panel will help City of Crookston ensure that community values are represented in the development and evaluation of project alternatives, while fostering conversations within the community. Visit the Public Involvement page to learn more.
MnDOT and its partners have committed to work with the Crookston community to ensure that the community’s concerns and aspirations are directly reflected in the alternatives developed as part of the Highway 2 Study and to provide feedback on how the community influenced recommendations and decisions.