Orange barrels on a highway

TED Project—Worthington

Hwy 59 Infrastructure Improvements

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Funding Package

The total project cost for this Hwy 59 Infrastructure project was $4,720,000. TED funds from MnDOT and DEED contributed $3,300,000 to this project, and the rest was funded by the city of Worthington.

Project Description
This TED Project will open up the Industrial/Commercial Park in Worthington, located on the west side of Hwy 59, by extending the 4-lane divided section by 1,200 feet, constructing turn lanes, relocating County Ditch 12, constructing culvert across County Ditch 12, and installing sanitary sewer and water main extensions in Bioscience Drive from east of Hwy 59 through the County Ditch 12 crossing.


Transportation Impacts
These improvements will reduce future conflicts and crashes by implementing improved safety measures, which includes extending the 4-lane divided roadway to the south so that it goes through the intersection with Bioscience Drive, as well as installing right turning lanes at the Bioscience Drive intersection.  In addition, County Ditch 12 will be improved and a flood plan is being implemented, which will reduce flooding in an area that has had a major flooding problem in the past.


Economic Development Impacts
This TED project will open up access to 114 acres of developable land, which is the first phase of a new 750 acre Industrial/Commercial Park located in Worthington.  In addition, the project will also improve access to the new 50 acre Worthington Bioscience Park on the east side of Hwy 59.  At the time this TED project was selected, these growth areas were projected to create 440 jobs over the next five years and 1,750 jobs over the next 20 years.  Bedford Technology planned a major expansion in the Industrial/Commercial Park and Worthington expects more business to move in the future due to the City’s multimodal transportation network of roads, rail, and air.