In 2023 and 2024, members of the public reviewed three roadway layout options for the John Ireland Blvd. bridge and provided feedback. After further study of the bridge and input from accessibility experts, the selected final design makes minimal changes to the layout of the existing bridge. This allows for an immediate structural repair and rebuild of the bridge while allowing for flexibility and future compatibility with other projects in the area, including Rethinking I-94 and the Capitol Area Architectural and Planning Board’s Capitol Mall Design Framework.

John Ireland Blvd. bridge proposed view looking north.
- Four traffic lanes (slightly narrower)
- Two 10-ft. bike lanes
- 26-ft. planted grass median
Design considerations
- Safety
- Long-term maintenance
- Preservation of historic and cultural aspects of the bridge
- Future compatibility with Rethinking I-94 project and Capitol Mall Design Framework
- City of St. Paul 2040 Comprehensive Plan
- City of St. Paul bike plan