Design concepts
Below are the four design concepts developed for the intersection corridor of Hwy 169/Hwy 22/Hwy 99. Combining data from a traffic analysis of the corridor along with public input from 2019-2020, MnDOT arrived at Concept D, which is a dual left turn at the intersection of Hwy 169/Hwy 22 and a Restricted Crossing U-Turn (RCUT, also known as a J-Turn) at the intersection of Hwy 169/Hwy 99.
Concept A - Dual Left Turn Lanes
Cost: Low construction costs
Safety: Improved safety at Hwy 169/Hwy 22 due to protected left-turn signal phasing
Capacity/Delay: Reduced overall delay and queuing at Hwy 169/Hwy 22
Impact: No permanent impacts to adjacent properties

Concept B - Roundabouts
Cost: Medium construction costs
Safety: Reduced potential of fatal and serious injury crashes at both intersections, but increased frequency in "property damage only" crashes
Capacity/Delay: Northbound Hwy 169 through traffic and westbound Hwy 22 right turn traffic may experience increased delay and queuing during peak periods, but other movements are expected to experience reduced delay and queuing
Impact: Limited permanent impacts to adjacent properties

Concept C - Signalized RCUTs
Cost: Low construction costs
Safety: Improved safety at both intersections due to reduced conflicts points and improved roadway geometry
Capacity/Delay: Reduced overall delay and queuing at Hwy 169/Hwy 22, but longer travel distance for southbound Hwy 169 to southbound Hwy 22, and eastbound Hwy 99 to northbound Hwy 169 turning movements
Impact: No permanent impacts to adjacent properties

Concept D - Hybrid: Dual Left Turn with RCUT
Cost: Low construction costs
Safety: Improved safety at Hwy 169/Hwy 22 due to protected left turn signal phasing and improved safety at the Hwy 169/Hwy 99 intersection due to reduced conflict points and improved roadway geometry
Capacity/Delay: Reduced overall delay and queuing at Hwy 169/Hwy 22, but longer travel distance for eastbound Hwy 99 to northbound Hwy 169 turning movement
Impact: No permanent impacts to adjacent properties