Mille Lacs Band of Ojibwe

"The lake that spreads all over"
The Mille Lacs Band of Ojibwe (MLBO) is a federally recognized, sovereign Ojibwe tribal government located in central Minnesota, 90 miles north of the Twin Cities.
Tribal Government Center
- 43408 Oodena Dr
Onamia, MN 56359 - 320-532-4181
Government structure
- Minnesota Chippewa Tribe Constitution
- Five elected council members
- Chairperson
- Secretary/Treasurer
- Three District Representatives
- Staggered elections held even years, second Tuesday in June, four year terms
- Chief Executive:Virgil Wind
- Secretary/Treasurer: Sheldon Boyd
- District 1 Rep:Carolyn Beaulieu
- District 2 Rep:Wendy Merrill
- District 3 Rep: Harry Davis
Geography and demography
- Size: 61,000 acres
- Citizenship: 4,300+ enrolled members
- Counties: Aitkin, Mille Lacs, Pine
- Government headquarters: Onamia
- East Lake, non-municipal: East Lake Community Center, East Lake Ceremonial Building, East Lake Assisted Living Unit, Conoco
- Hinckely, municipal: MLBO District III Assisted Living, Meshakwad Community Center, Grand Casino Hinckley, Grand Casino Hinckley Hotel, GGrand Hinckley Inn, Grand Casino rand Casino RV Park, Hinckley Powwow Grounds, Grand National Golf Course
- Isle, municipal: Mille Lacs Family Clinic Isle, Chiminsing Community Center
- Lake Lenda, non-municipal: District III Ceremonial Building, Aazhoomog Cinic, Lake Lena Community Center, Conoco
- Sandy Lake, non-municipal: Big Sandy Lodge & Resort
- Onamia, municipal: Mille Lacs Government Center, Na Ah Shing Schools, NayAgh-Shing Ceremonial Building, Ne-la-Shing Dental Clinic, Mille Lacs Assisted Living Unit, Community Center, Mille Lacs Indian Museum and Trading Post, Iskigamizigan Powwow Grounds, Conoco, Eddy’s Resort, Grand Casino Mille Lacs, Grand Casino Mille Lacs Hotel
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