Minnesota Department of Transportation

511 Travel Info

Metro District Traffic Engineering

Program Support

Orange barrels on a highway

About Program Support

What we do

Program Support's primary responsibility is to provide traffic engineering, capacity, and safety analysis for the planning and development of all Metro projects. This includes identifying traffic safety and capacity projects; investigating and responding to all traffic safety concerns or information requests from the public, legislators, media, cities and counties, tort claims, and law suits against MnDOT; perform freeway traffic modeling, conduct speed studies on all roads to determine a safe and reasonable speed limit, review externally submitted documents (permits, layouts, environmental documents, corridor studies, etc.), and assure traffic engineering safety and mobility issues are addressed.

Program Support TSAM Area Contacts (PDF)

Other responsibilities

Before and after studies

Before and after studies evaluate crash occurrence 3 years before and 3 years after a safety project to determine the crash rate reduction and the benefit/cost ratio. This will measure our effectiveness and will guide us in future funding decisions. 

Crash Analysis

Crash data is used in planning, programming, design, and maintenance decisions. Crash data is also used for tort claim investigations, insurance claims, lawsuits, cooperative agreement, HSIP submittals, and to provide information to the media and the general public.

Detailed crash analysis information:

Freeway Analysis

Freeway Analysis' primary responsibilities include applying state of the practice solutions, research, and performance measures to freeway mobility and safety problems. This includes reviewing layouts, interstate access modification requests and traffic reports, and developing low-cost high benefit solutions to congested and crash prone areas on the Twin Cities freeways.

Freeway/Arterial Modeling

Freeway Modeling provides services for evaluation of interchange and mainline design alternatives, reviews Interstate Access Requests statewide, assesses freeway modeling packages, provides training to consultants, and reviews traffic studies. 

Detailed freeway/arterial modeling information:

Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP)

This program investigates crash problem locations and determines appropriate remedial measures, develops concept plans, determines cost estimates, and program projects for construction. HSIP evaluates crash data using various prioritized lists to determine safety problems.

Detailed Highway Safety Improvement Program information:

Intersection Control Evaluation (ICE) reports

The purpose of an Intersection Control Evaluation is to determine the optimum traffic control for an intersection based on an objective analysis. 

Detailed Intersection Control Evaluation information:
  • Intersection Control Evaluation (ICE) Manual (PDF) - Provides guidelines to objectively analyze and make recommendations for completing an Intersection Control Evaluation.
  • Signal Design Manual (PDF) - The purpose of this manual is to present the fundamental concepts and standard practices related to the design of traffic signals systems within the State of Minnesota. This manual is structured to parallel the progression of decisions, activities, and functions related to the design of traffic signal systems.
  • Construction Planning and Design Tools - Various design tools for standardizing the plan design and construction process for signals, lighting, signing, markings, work zone control, and other traffic related aspects of roadway design and operation.
  • Roundabout Information - Driving tips, animations, benefits, and additional information.

Speed Zoning

Conducts engineering and traffic investigations to determine reasonable and safe speed limits for all roads (state, county, city, and township) within the eight county Metro District; and recommends speed limits for authorization by the State Traffic Engineer.

Detailed speed zoning information:

Tort Claims

Deals with civil suits (not criminal) where someone claims damage or injury caused willfully or by our negligence in performing or not performing our duty/work.

The criteria for a claim are divided into two definitions:

  • Self-Insured - The Department of Administration contracts with a private company to manage all operational claims. Operational claims involve any moving MnDOT vehicle or mobile operation (including snowplows, paint crews, lawnmowers, etc.) that results in property damage.
  • Attorney General - The Attorney General Office handles all lawsuits and non-operational claims. Non-operational claims involve property damage caused by potholes, debris, contractors, construction zones, etc.
Detailed tort claims information: