Minnesota Department of Transportation

511 Travel Info

Regulated Materials

people planting a tree

Street Sweepings

MnDOT has prepared this guidance document to provide its internal procedures and requirements for work performed on MnDOT rights of way, including MnDOT-owned facilities. This document should not be construed as a full description of all regulations pertaining to the subject matter. Contact the Regulated Materials Unit (RMU) in the MnDOT Office of Environmental Services for additional information or legal requirements.

Management of Street Sweepings

MnDOT operations produce street sweepings that are primarily sand but also may contain salt, leaves and other assorted debris. The following management practice of street sweepings allows for beneficial reuse of the sand and proper disposal of associated debris. This practice is not appropriate for sand or sweepings collected at a location where a known or suspected chemical spill has occurred. Contact the RMU for assistance in managing disposal of sand or sweepings at spill locations.

Once collected, the street sweepings can be stored on either a paved or gravel surface at a MnDOT facility. Do not combine any street sweepings that exhibit staining or odors, which indicate the possibility of chemical contamination, with an existing street sweeping stockpile. Contact the Regulated Materials Unit for further assistance if questionable staining or odors are noticed.

Trash and other debris should be removed from the sweepings by screening with a 3/4" screen. Material that does not pass through the screen should be collected and disposed of at an MPCA permitted sanitary (mixed municipal solid waste) or industrial waste landfill. Contact the Regulated Materials Unit for assistance in analyzing the material for acceptance by the landfill.

Material passing through the 3/4" screen may be used in road projects as sub-base or fill material or incorporated in concrete. Cover the stockpile to prevent erosion.

Maintain the following minimum setback distances when using the material as clean fill:

  • At least 100 feet from surface water/wetlands;
  • At least 100 feet from drainage structures;
  • At least 3 feet above groundwater (the water table);
  • At least 10 feet above fractured bedrock; and
  • After placing the material, the area should be seeded or covered with mulch to prevent erosion.

Optional practice for disposing of street sweepings

Street sweepings may be disposed of at an MPCA permitted sanitary (mixed municipal solid waste) or industrial waste landfill. The landfill may consider the material adequate for use as daily cover. The landfill may require laboratory analysis of the material prior to acceptance. Contact the Regulated Materials Unit for assistance in analyzing the material for acceptance by the landfill.