Minnesota Department of Transportation

511 Travel Info

Project development

Environmental process | Environmental review | Contaminated Materials

Contaminated Materials prepared statements

For projects that the CMMT has determined have the potential for impacts, a project-specific statement summarizing the recommendations for additional evaluation and the tasks that CMMT or its consultant will perform will be provided in the response to the ENM for inclusion in the environmental document. 

For projects that the CMMT has determined have minimal potential for impacts, use the following statement in the “Contaminated Properties” section of the environmental document:

Impacts to the project from contaminated materials or properties has been considered. However, due to the project location and planned scope of work, there is minimal potential for encountering contaminated materials.  If contaminated materials are encountered during construction, they will be managed in accordance with applicable federal, state and local regulations using MnDOT Standard Specification 1717.

For projects that the CMMT has determined have potential for impacts, use the following statement in the “Contaminated Properties” section of the environmental document:

Include the following statement as a project-specific statement within the ENM response to help define MnDOT’s commitment to managing contamination risks.

Based on our review of the Early Notification Memo and subsequent additional evaluations noted above and MnDOT’s commitment to implementation of any necessary management of contaminated materials during construction, the project will not have a high risk of causing direct or indirect impacts to human health or sensitive environmental resources due to encountering contaminated materials.