Minnesota Department of Transportation

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Minnesota Statewide Regional ITS Architecture Update 1 (Version 2014)

Project description

The Minnesota Statewide Regional ITS Architecture represents a shared vision of how each agency’s systems work together by sharing information and resources to enhance transportation safety, efficiency, capacity, mobility, and security. The Minnesota Statewide Regional ITS Architecture is a living document and will evolve as needs, technology, stakeholders and funding change. The Architecture was last updated in March 2009. Since the last update, a new version of the National ITS Architecture (Version 7.0) has been released. In addition, several ITS projects have been completed/implemented, underway, programmed, and planned since the last update in 2009. Stakeholders’ visions and needs may have also changed which will be revisited and updated accordingly.

The goal of this project is to provide maintenance support to the Minnesota Statewide Regional ITS Architecture by updating the current architecture in conformance with the latest version of the National ITS Architecture. The update of the Architecture is performed through two phases. In the first phase, the focuses were on interacting with stakeholders for their inputs, coordinating with other transportation planning efforts in Minnesota, refining the Minnesota ITS goals and objectives, and identifying suitable performance measures and management and operations strategies to achieve the goals and objectives. The first phase of the project was completed in June 2013. The architecture update activity will be performed throughout second phase with an updated architecture completed in the fall of 2014.


  • Identifying current capabilities in the state as well as gaps in services
  • Providing a common framework for the planning, design, implementation, integration, and operation of ITS throughout the state
  • Enhancing the efficiency of ITS planning, project deployment and enhancements, operations, and maintenance
  • Improving integration between systems and coordination among stakeholders
  • Compliance with the National ITS Architecture allows MnDOT to receive Federal funds for ITS projects

Lessons learned

  • An ITS architecture is valuable in assisting the implementation and integration of ITS projects
  • Establishing an ITS vision and goals is vital to the success of ITS planning and architecture development effort
  • Establishing measurable objectives and identifying performance measures helps meeting goals and realizing the vision
  • Enhancing collaboration and coordination between planners and operators is key to improving transportation system performance

Project location

  • Statewide

Project team

  • MnDOT
  • FHWA
  • URS Corporation

Project completion

  • Sept.30, 2014

Project documents (PDF)