Minnesota Department of Transportation

511 Travel Info

Roadside Safety Design


In-person training

National Highway Institute training

Roadside Safety Design FHWA-NHI-380032A

This three-day seminar will walk participants step-by-step through the 2011 AASHTO Roadside Design Guide, generally recognized as the national standard for roadside design. The course will provide an overview of the 2011 Roadside Design Guide with emphasis on the relationship to current highway agency policies and practices. The overview will include the following:

  • clear zone concept
  • recognition of the unsafe roadside design features
  • traffic barriers selection, design, and installation
  • alternate safety treatments and cost of effective design
  • identification of policies and practices that are inconsistent with current state-of-the-art features.
Additional information

Web-based training

AASHTO Guardrail Training, Transportation Curriculum Coordination Council (TC3)

TC3 web-based trainings are free for MnDOT employees. To enroll, first register for an account using your MnDOT email address. Log in to unlock the Subscription Price of $0.00.

Maine DOT’s Guardrail Inspection Training Videos

YouTube videos showing step-by-step instructions for inspections of proprietary products.

Manufacturer-provided training

Manufacturers videos for proprietary devices.