Minnesota Department of Transportation

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News releases

Oct. 17, 2023

Latest news releases

MnDOT seeks public input on Hwy 169 in Elmore

MANKATO, Minn. – The Minnesota Department of Transportation invites community members to attend a public meeting to learn about a future project planned on Hwy 169 through Elmore. The open house style meeting will be held in person on Tuesday, Oct. 24 from 5-7 p.m. at the Elmore Public Library Community Room (107 E. Willis St., Elmore). No formal presentation is planned; attendees will be able to talk with project staff and share feedback on roadway improvements. MnDOT is planning for a future project on Hwy 169 in Elmore from E. Polton St. to the Minnesota/Iowa border. Beyond addressing pavement needs and aligning with the City of Elmore utility work, MnDOT is considering opportunities for safety, bicycle/pedestrian accommodations, and other improvements. In collaboration with the City and input from the community, MnDOT will evaluate the corridor, develop design alternatives, and arrive at a layout for a project tentatively planned for 2028 construction.

For more information and to sign up for email updates, visit the project website mndot.gov/d7/projects/hwy169elmore
