/**************************************************************************** ** ** Copyright (C) 2020 Minnesota Department of Transportation ** Office of Materials & Road Research ** 1400 Gervais Avenue ** Saint Paul, Minnesota 55109-2044 ** USA ** http://www.dot.state.mn.us/app/pavecool ** ** ** $QT_BEGIN_LICENSE:GPL$ ** ** This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify ** it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ** the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or ** (at your option) any later version. ** ** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ** MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ** GNU General Public License for more details. ** ** If you did not receive a copy of the GNU General Public License ** see http://www.gnu.org/licenses ** ** $QT_END_LICENSE$ ** ****************************************************************************/ #include "pavecoolm.h" #include "ui_pavecoolm.h" #include "globals.h" #include "about.h" #include "caldlg.h" #include "pcfiledlg.h" #include "tdlg.h" PaveCoolM::PaveCoolM(QWidget *parent) : QMainWindow(parent), ui(new Ui::PaveCoolM) { ui->setupUi(this); // translatables tDisclaimer = tr("Some asphalt mixtures will require compaction times and temperatures different from those recommended by this program. Good judgement must be exercised in order to ensure a properly compacted surface. Special considerations should be made for polymer modified asphalt binders and warm-mix asphalt (WMA). In these cases, manufacturer guidelines should supersede recommendations made by this program. Consult the Help file for further details. In no event will the Minnesota Department of Transportation, the University of Minnesota or their suppliers be liable for damages or expenses arising out of the use of this program."); int i; // Initialize lists bList.reserve(5); // number of items in the list bList.append(false); // 0 default start & stop temperatures, true = user-defined bList.append(false); // 1 Display English units, true = SI bList.append(false); // 2 12 hour time format, true = 24 hour bList.append(false); // 3 Calculate after opening file bList.append(false); // 4 US date format, true = ISO iList.reserve(7); iList.append(1); // 0 cloud cover iList.append(0); // 1 fine/dense or SMA iList.append(0); // 2 high PG temperature iList.append(0); // 3 low PG temperature iList.append(0); // 4 existing surface type iList.append(0); // 5 wet or dry iList.append(0); // 6 frozen or not dList.reserve(8); dList.append(0.0); // 0 lift thickness (mm) dList.append(0.0); // 1 latitude (°) dList.append(0.0); // 2 air temperature (°C) dList.append(0.0); // 3 mix delivery temperature dList.append(0.0); // 4 existing surface temperature dList.append(0.0); // 5 user start temperature dList.append(0.0); // 6 user stop temperature dList.append(0.0); // 7 wind velocity (km/h) sList.reserve(1); sList.append(""); // 0 project title vList.reserve(2); vList.append(QDate()); // 0 start date vList.append(QTime()); // 1 start time pAction[0] = ui->action1; pAction[1] = ui->action2; pAction[2] = ui->action3; pAction[3] = ui->action4; pAction[4] = ui->action5; pAction[5] = ui->action6; for(i = 0; i < MaxRecentFiles; ++i) { pAction[i]->setVisible(false); } // Initialize other variables bdefault = false; bopen = false; bspin = false; noreset = false; bunit = false; bcalc = false; bList[0] = false; // default start & stop temperatures // The following are set in windows registry // bList[1] = bsi = false; // Display English units // bList[2] = false; // 12 hour time format // bList[4] = false; // US date format dList[5] = TSTART58; // Start compacting dList[6] = TSTOP_DEF; // Stop compacting pcLayout(); ntype = 0; // xls nVersion = QApplication::applicationVersion().toInt(); tFile = ""; // initialize variables for temporary user data for(i = 0; i < 8; ++i) bedit[i] = false; for(i = 0; i < 4; ++i) val[i] = 0.0; for(i = 0; i < 5; ++i) tval[i] = ""; SetDefaults(); appSettings("", READBOOL); bmodified = false; } PaveCoolM::~PaveCoolM() { delete ui; } void PaveCoolM::closeEvent(QCloseEvent *event) { if(bmodified) { if(askSave()) { appSettings("", SETBOOL); event->accept(); } else event->ignore(); } else { appSettings("", SETBOOL); event->accept(); } } void PaveCoolM::appSettings(const QString &fileName, const int &nmode) { int i; QString docpath = QStandardPaths::writableLocation(QStandardPaths::DownloadLocation); QSettings settings; QStringList files = settings.value(RECENT_FILES_KEY).toStringList(); switch (nmode) { case READREG: { tPath = settings.value(DEFAULT_DIR_KEY).toString(); if(tPath == "") tPath = docpath; } break; case SETREG: { // settings.setValue(DEFAULT_DIR_KEY, QFileInfo(fileName).absolutePath()); settings.setValue(DEFAULT_DIR_KEY, docpath); files.removeAll(fileName); files.prepend(fileName); while (files.size() > MaxRecentFiles) files.removeLast(); settings.setValue(RECENT_FILES_KEY, files); } break; case NOFILE: { files.removeAll(fileName); settings.setValue(RECENT_FILES_KEY, files); } break; case SETBOOL: {//Android does not rememeber these settings settings.setValue(UNITS_SI_KEY, bList[1] ? "1" : "0"); settings.setValue(TIME_24H_KEY, bList[2] ? "1" : "0"); settings.setValue(DATE_ISO_KEY, bList[4] ? "1" : "0"); } break; case READBOOL: {//Android does not rememeber these settings bList[1] = bsi = settings.value(UNITS_SI_KEY).toInt(); bList[2] = settings.value(TIME_24H_KEY).toInt(); bList[4] = settings.value(DATE_ISO_KEY).toInt(); updateView(); } break; } // populate recent files in ui int nRecentFiles = qMin(files.size(), int(MaxRecentFiles)); for(i = 0; i < nRecentFiles; ++i) { QString text = tr("&%1 %2").arg(i + 1).arg(QFileInfo(files[i]).fileName()); pAction[i]->setText(text); pAction[i]->setData(files[i]); pAction[i]->setVisible(true); } for (i = nRecentFiles; i < MaxRecentFiles; ++i) pAction[i]->setVisible(false); } void PaveCoolM::on_actionNew_triggered() { if(bmodified) { if(askSave()) { SetDefaults(); bmodified = false; } } else SetDefaults(); } void PaveCoolM::on_actionOpen_triggered() { appSettings("", READREG); if(bmodified) { if(askSave()) Open(); } else Open(); } void PaveCoolM::on_actionSave_triggered() { if(Save(tFile)) PaveCoolM::setWindowTitle(newWinTitle(tName)); } void PaveCoolM::on_actionSave_As_triggered() { if(SaveAs(tFile)) PaveCoolM::setWindowTitle(newWinTitle(tName)); } void PaveCoolM::on_actionSave_PDF_triggered() { // font: 72 pts/in; pdf: 1200 pixels/in appSettings("", READREG); on_calcButton_clicked(); QString ttmp; QString newName = tName; if(newName.isEmpty()) newName = sList[0].isEmpty() ? QApplication::applicationName() + "1" : sList[0]; int ntmp = 4; // pdf newName = fileDlg(newName, &ntmp); if(!newName.isEmpty()) { QPdfWriter ppdf(newName); ppdf.setPageSize(QPagedPaintDevice::Letter); ppdf.setPageMargins(QMarginsF(72,54,54,54)); // L 1", R,T,B 0.75" ppdf.setTitle(newWinTitle("") + " " + tr("Report")); ppdf.newPage(); QPainter painter(&ppdf); QFont arial10("Arial"); arial10.setPointSize(10); QFont arial12("Arial"); arial12.setPointSize(12); QFont arial12b("Arial"); arial12b.setPointSize(12); arial12b.setWeight(QFont::Bold); QFont arial14("Arial"); arial14.setPointSize(14); arial14.setWeight(QFont::Bold); QFont arial18("Arial"); arial18.setPointSize(18); arial18.setWeight(QFont::Bold); QTextOption tleft, tcenter, tright, tfile; tleft.setAlignment(Qt::AlignLeft); tcenter.setAlignment(Qt::AlignCenter); tright.setAlignment(Qt::AlignRight); tfile.setAlignment(Qt::AlignLeft); tfile.setAlignment(Qt::AlignBottom); tfile.setWrapMode(QTextOption::WrapAtWordBoundaryOrAnywhere); QPen pen; pen.setBrush(Qt::black); pen.setWidth(8); painter.setPen(pen); QRectF txrect; double top, bot, wid, ht; top = 0; wid = 8100; // 6.75" ht = 450; painter.setFont(arial18); top = pdfRect(&txrect,wid,top,ht,1,0); painter.drawText(txrect,ppdf.title(),tcenter); ht = 525; ttmp = ""; if(sList[0] != "") ttmp = tr("Project") + ": " + sList[0]; painter.setFont(arial12); top = pdfRect(&txrect,wid,top,ht,1,0); painter.drawText(txrect,ttmp,tleft); ht = 400; painter.setFont(arial14); bot = pdfRect(&txrect,wid,top,ht,3,0); painter.drawRect(txrect); painter.drawText(txrect,tr("Date") + " & " + tr("Time"),tcenter); bot = pdfRect(&txrect,wid,top,ht,3,1); painter.drawRect(txrect); painter.drawText(txrect,tr("Start Rolling") + "*",tcenter); top = pdfRect(&txrect,wid,top,ht,3,2); painter.drawRect(txrect); painter.drawText(txrect,tr("Stop Rolling") + "*",tcenter); bot = pdfRect(&txrect,wid,top,ht,3,0); painter.drawRect(txrect); painter.drawText(txrect,ui->dateButton->text() + " " + ui->timeEdit->text(),tcenter); bot = pdfRect(&txrect,wid,top,ht,3,1); painter.drawRect(txrect); painter.drawText(txrect,ui->startEdit->text() + " " + tr("minutes") + " (" + txtdbl(convt(true,tstart,bsi),DEC_T) + " " + txtt(bsi) + ")",tcenter); top = pdfRect(&txrect,wid,top,ht,3,2); painter.drawRect(txrect); painter.drawText(txrect,ui->stopEdit->text() + " " + tr("minutes") + " (" + txtdbl(convt(true,tstop,bsi),DEC_T) + " " + txtt(bsi) + ")",tcenter); top += 100; ht = 400; painter.setFont(arial12b); bot = pdfRect(&txrect,wid,top,ht,4,0); painter.drawRect(txrect); painter.drawText(txrect,tr("Mix Type"),tcenter); bot = pdfRect(&txrect,wid,top,ht,4,1); painter.drawRect(txrect); painter.drawText(txrect,tr("Binder Grade"),tcenter); bot = pdfRect(&txrect,wid,top,ht,4,2); painter.drawRect(txrect); painter.drawText(txrect,tr("Thickness"),tcenter); top = pdfRect(&txrect,wid,top,ht,4,3); painter.drawRect(txrect); painter.drawText(txrect,tr("Delivery Temp."),tcenter); ht = 600; painter.setFont(arial12); bot = pdfRect(&txrect,wid,top,ht,4,0); painter.drawRect(txrect); painter.drawText(txrect,ui->gradCombo->currentText(),tcenter); bot = pdfRect(&txrect,wid,top,ht,4,1); painter.drawRect(txrect); painter.drawText(txrect,"PG " + ui->hiCombo->currentText() + ui->loCombo->currentText(),tcenter); bot = pdfRect(&txrect,wid,top,ht,4,2); painter.drawRect(txrect); painter.drawText(txrect,ui->hDSpin->text() + " " + txtl(bsi),tcenter); top = pdfRect(&txrect,wid,top,ht,4,3); painter.drawRect(txrect); painter.drawText(txrect,ui->tmSpin->text() + " " + txtt(bsi),tcenter); top += 100; ht = 400; painter.setFont(arial12b); bot = pdfRect(&txrect,wid,top,ht,4,0); painter.drawRect(txrect); painter.drawText(txrect,tr("Air Temp."),tcenter); bot = pdfRect(&txrect,wid,top,ht,4,1); painter.drawRect(txrect); painter.drawText(txrect,tr("Wind Speed"),tcenter); bot = pdfRect(&txrect,wid,top,ht,4,2); painter.drawRect(txrect); painter.drawText(txrect,tr("Sky"),tcenter); top = pdfRect(&txrect,wid,top,ht,4,3); painter.drawRect(txrect); painter.drawText(txrect,tr("Latitude"),tcenter); painter.setFont(arial12); bot = pdfRect(&txrect,wid,top,ht,4,0); painter.drawRect(txrect); painter.drawText(txrect,ui->taEdit->text() + " " + txtt(bsi),tcenter); bot = pdfRect(&txrect,wid,top,ht,4,1); painter.drawRect(txrect); painter.drawText(txrect,ui->vwEdit->text() + " " + txtv(bsi),tcenter); bot = pdfRect(&txrect,wid,top,ht,4,2); painter.drawRect(txrect); painter.drawText(txrect,ui->skyCombo->currentText(),tcenter); top = pdfRect(&txrect,wid,top,ht,4,3); painter.drawRect(txrect); QString tdir = " °"; if(dList[1] > 0) tdir = " ° " + tr("North"); else if(dList[1] < 0) tdir = " ° " + tr("South"); painter.drawText(txrect,QString::number(qFabs(dList[1])) + tdir,tcenter); top += 100; painter.setFont(arial12b); bot = pdfRect(&txrect,wid,top,ht,4,0); painter.drawRect(txrect); painter.drawText(txrect,tr("Existing Surface"),tcenter); bot = pdfRect(&txrect,wid,top,ht,4,1); painter.drawRect(txrect); painter.drawText(txrect,tr("Moisture"),tcenter); bot = pdfRect(&txrect,wid,top,ht,4,2); painter.drawRect(txrect); painter.drawText(txrect,tr("State"),tcenter); top = pdfRect(&txrect,wid,top,ht,4,3); painter.drawRect(txrect); painter.drawText(txrect,tr("Surface Temp."),tcenter); painter.setFont(arial12); bot = pdfRect(&txrect,wid,top,ht,4,0); painter.drawRect(txrect); painter.drawText(txrect,ui->matCombo->currentText(),tcenter); bot = pdfRect(&txrect,wid,top,ht,4,1); painter.drawRect(txrect); painter.drawText(txrect,ui->wCombo->currentText(),tcenter); bot = pdfRect(&txrect,wid,top,ht,4,2); painter.drawRect(txrect); painter.drawText(txrect,ui->stateCombo->currentText(),tcenter); top = pdfRect(&txrect,wid,top,ht,4,3); painter.drawRect(txrect); painter.drawText(txrect,ui->tsEdit->text() + " " + txtt(bsi),tcenter); top += 20; drawGraph(&painter, 200, int(top), 5400, 5200, true); painter.setFont(arial10); ttmp = ""; if(tName != "") ttmp = tr("%1 File:").arg(APP) + "\n" + tName; ht = 1400; top += 3600; top = pdfRect(&txrect,wid,top,ht,4,3); painter.drawText(txrect,ttmp,tfile); top += 210; top = pdfRect(&txrect,wid,top,1400,1,0); painter.drawText(txrect,"*" + tDisclaimer,tleft); ht = 200; top += 100; top = pdfRect(&txrect,wid,top,ht,2,1); painter.drawText(txrect,tr("Report Created") + " " + QDateTime::currentDateTime().toString("yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss"),tright); painter.end(); //Open file with default PDF application // QDesktopServices::openUrl((QUrl("file:/" + newName))); QMessageBox msg; msg.setText("File saved as " + newName); msg.exec(); } } void PaveCoolM::on_actionExport_Data_triggered() { int i; appSettings("", READREG); QString ttmp; QString newName = tName; if(newName.isEmpty()) newName = sList[0].isEmpty() ? QApplication::applicationName() + "1" : sList[0]; newName = fileDlg(newName, &ntype); if(!newName.isEmpty()) { QString ttxt = newName.right(4); if(ntype == 0) { if(ttxt.toLower() != ".xls") newName.append(".xls"); } else if(ntype == 1) { if(ttxt.toLower() != ".csv") newName.append(".csv"); } else if(ntype == 2) { if(ttxt.toLower() != ".txt") newName.append(".txt"); } QSaveFile txtFile(newName); if(!txtFile.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly)) { QMessageBox msg; msg.setText(tr("Export file could not be opened.")); msg.exec(); return; } QTextStream out(&txtFile); QChar d = ntype == 0 ? '\t' : ' '; // delimiter for input summary QChar ds = ntype == 1 ? ',' : '\t'; // delimiter for temperature data out << PaveCoolM::windowTitle() << " " << tr("Simulation Output") << "\n"; out << sList[0] << "\n"; out << tr("Report Created") << " " << QDateTime::currentDateTime().toString("yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss") << "\n\n"; out << tr("Paving Start Time") << "\n"; out << ui->dateButton->text() << d << ui->timeEdit->text() << "\n\n"; out << tr("Mix Properties") << "\n"; out << tr("Mix") << ":" << d << ui->gradCombo->currentText() << "\n"; out << tr("Binder") << ":" << d << "PG " << ui->hiCombo->currentText(); out << ui->loCombo->currentText() << "\n"; out << tr("Lift") << ":" << d << txtdbl(convl(true, dList[0], bsi), decl(bsi)) << d << txtl(bsi) << "\n"; out << tr("Deliv.") << ":" << d << txtdbl(convt(true, dList[3], bsi),DEC_T) << d << txtt(bsi) << "\n\n"; out << tr("Environmental Conditions") << "\n"; out << tr("The following data represent average conditions during compaction.") << "\n"; out << tr("Air") << ":" << d << ui->taEdit->text() << d << txtt(bsi) << "\n"; out << tr("Wind") << ":" << d << ui->vwEdit->text() << d << txtv(bsi) << "\n"; out << tr("Sky") << ":" << d << ui->skyCombo->currentText() << "\n"; ttmp = "°"; if(dList[1] > 0) ttmp = "° " + tr("North"); else if(dList[1] < 0) ttmp = "° " + tr("South"); out << tr("Latitude") << ":" << d << QString::number(qFabs(dList[1])) << d << ttmp << "\n\n"; out << tr("Existing Surface") << "\n"; out << tr("Material") << ":" << d << ui->matCombo->currentText(); ttmp = iList[4] > 1 ? " " + ui->wCombo->currentText() : ""; out << ttmp; ttmp = iList[4] > 1 ? " " + ui->stateCombo->currentText() : ""; out << ttmp << "\n"; out << tr("Temp.") << ":" << d << ui->tsEdit->text() << d << txtt(bsi) << "\n\n"; out << tr("Compaction Recommendations") << "\n"; out << tr("Start") << ":" << d << ui->startEdit->text() << d << tr("min.") << d; out << txtdbl(convt(true, tstart, bsi), DEC_T) << d << txtt(bsi) << "\n"; out << tr("Stop") << ":" << d << ui->stopEdit->text() << d << tr("min.") << d; out << txtdbl(convt(true, tstop, bsi), DEC_T) << d << txtt(bsi) << "\n\n"; if(ntype == 2) out << tDisclaimer << "\n\n"; else {// parse disclaimer for spreadsheet view QString tdisc = tDisclaimer; int indx = -1; while(tdisc.length() > 0) { indx = tdisc.indexOf(' ', 68); // max line width = 68 if(indx > 0) { ttmp = tdisc.left(indx); tdisc.remove(0, ttmp.length()+1); } else { ttmp = tdisc; tdisc = ""; } out << ttmp << "\n"; } } out << "\n" << tr("Cooling Curve") << "\n"; out << tr("Time") << ds << tr("Temp.") << "\n"; out << tr("min.") << ds << txtt(bsi) << "\n"; //Print data for t=0 out << "0" << ds << txtdbl(convt(true, THMA[0], bsi), 1) << "\n"; //now do rest of data file for(i = 1; i < THMA.size(); i++) //was i = 0 { if(fmod(i,3)==0) { out << QString::number(i/3) << ds; out << txtdbl(convt(true, THMA[i], bsi), 1) << "\n"; } } bool bcom = txtFile.commit(); if(!bcom) { QMessageBox msg; msg.setText("Export failed."); msg.exec(); } // else QDesktopServices::openUrl((QUrl("file:/" + newName))); QMessageBox msg; msg.setText("File saved as " + newName); msg.exec(); } } void PaveCoolM::on_action1_triggered() { openRecent(); } void PaveCoolM::on_action2_triggered() { openRecent(); } void PaveCoolM::on_action3_triggered() { openRecent(); } void PaveCoolM::on_action4_triggered() { openRecent(); } void PaveCoolM::on_action5_triggered() { openRecent(); } void PaveCoolM::on_action6_triggered() { openRecent(); } void PaveCoolM::on_actionExit_triggered() { if(bmodified) { if(askSave()) qApp->exit(); } else qApp->exit(); } void PaveCoolM::on_actionStart_Stop_Temperatures_triggered() { bool btmp = bList[0]; tdlg dlg; dlg.wp = wp; dlg.hp = hp; dlg.x0 = x0; dlg.y0 = y0; dlg.ws = ws; dlg.hs = hs; dlg.ht = ht; dlg.hb = hb; dlg.setWindowTitle(tr("Start") + " & " + tr("Stop") + " " + tr("Temperatures")); // dlg.resize(screenrect.width(),screenrect.width()*dlg.height()/dlg.width()); dlg.resize(PaveCoolM::width(),PaveCoolM::width()*dlg.height()/dlg.width()); // QFont dlgfont = PaveCoolM::font(); // dlg.setFont(dlgfont); dlg.tLayout(); double Ttmp = iList[2] > PG_CUTOFF ? TSTART52 : TSTART58; dlg.buser = bList[0]; dlg.Tdef[0] = nint(rnd2dec(convt(true, Ttmp, bsi), 0)); dlg.Tdef[1] = nint(rnd2dec(convt(true, TSTOP_DEF, bsi), 0)); dlg.Tusr[0] = nint(rnd2dec(convt(true, dList[5], bsi), 0)); dlg.Tusr[1] = nint(rnd2dec(convt(true, dList[6], bsi), 0)); dlg.Tmin[0] = nint(rnd2dec(convt(true, TM_MIN, bsi), 0)); dlg.Tmin[1] = nint(rnd2dec(convt(true, TSTOP_MIN, bsi), 0)); dlg.Tmax[0] = nint(rnd2dec(convt(true, TM_MAX, bsi), 0)); dlg.Tmax[1] = nint(rnd2dec(convt(true, TSTOP_MAX, bsi), 0)); dlg.tunit = txtt(bsi); dlg.updateView(); int nret = dlg.exec(); if(nret == 1) { bList[0] = dlg.buser; double tmp1 = convt(bsi, double(dlg.Tusr[0])); double tmp2 = convt(bsi, double(dlg.Tusr[1])); if(qFabs(bList[0] - btmp) > EN12 || qFabs(convt(bsi, dList[5]) - tmp1) > EN12 || qFabs(convt(bsi, dList[6]) - tmp2) > EN12) { dList[5] = tmp1; dList[6] = tmp2; //appSettings("", SETBOOL); bmodified = true; resetOutput(); } } updateView(); } void PaveCoolM::on_actionEnglish_triggered() { bList[1] = bsi = false; noreset = true; bunit = true; updateView(); } void PaveCoolM::on_actionSI_triggered() { bList[1] = bsi = true; noreset = true; bunit = true; updateView(); } void PaveCoolM::on_action12_Hour_triggered() { bList[2] = false; noreset = true; updateView(); } void PaveCoolM::on_action24_Hour_triggered() { bList[2] = true; noreset = true; updateView(); } void PaveCoolM::on_actionUS_triggered() { bList[4] = false; noreset = true; updateView(); } void PaveCoolM::on_actionISO_triggered() { bList[4] = true; noreset = true; updateView(); } void PaveCoolM::on_actionReset_Defaults_triggered() { if(bmodified) { if(askSave()) { bList[0] = false; // true = user-defined temperatures bList[1] = bsi = false; // true = display SI units, false = English units bList[2] = false; // true = 24 hour time format bList[4] = false; // true = ISO date format SetDefaults(true); appSettings("", SETBOOL); } } else { bList[0] = false; // true = user-defined temperatures bList[1] = bsi = false; // true = display SI units, false = English units bList[2] = false; // true = 24 hour time format bList[4] = false; // true = ISO date format SetDefaults(true); appSettings("", SETBOOL); bmodified = true; } resetOutput(); } void PaveCoolM::on_actionHelp_Topics_triggered() { QDesktopServices::openUrl(WEBHELP); } void PaveCoolM::on_actionAbout_PaveCool_triggered() { about dlg; dlg.setWindowTitle(tr("About") + " " + APP); // dlg.resize(screenrect.width(),screenrect.width()*dlg.height()/dlg.width()); dlg.resize(PaveCoolM::width(),PaveCoolM::width()*dlg.height()/dlg.width()); // dlg.setFont(PaveCoolM::font()); dlg.exec(); } void PaveCoolM::on_projectEdit_textEdited(const QString &arg1) { sList[0] = arg1; bmodified = true; } void PaveCoolM::on_dateButton_clicked() { CalDlg dlg; dlg.setWindowTitle(tr("Paving Date")); // dlg.resize(screenrect.width(),screenrect.width()*dlg.height()/dlg.width()); dlg.resize(PaveCoolM::width(),PaveCoolM::width()*dlg.height()/dlg.width()); dlg.pcDate = vList[0].toDate(); int nret = dlg.exec(); if(nret == 1) { vList[0] = dlg.pcDate; updateView(); } } void PaveCoolM::on_timeEdit_textEdited(const QString &arg1) { tval[0] = arg1; bedit[0] = true; } void PaveCoolM::on_timeEdit_editingFinished() { if(bedit[0]) { vList[1] = TimeText(&tval[0], bList[2]); ui->timeEdit->setText(tval[0]); bedit[0] = false; resetOutput(); } } void PaveCoolM::on_timeButton_clicked() { if(vList[0] != QDate::currentDate() || vList[1] != QTime::currentTime()) { vList[0] = QDate::currentDate(); vList[1] = QTime::currentTime(); resetOutput(); } updateView(); } void PaveCoolM::on_taEdit_textEdited(const QString &arg1) { tval[1] = arg1; bedit[1] = true; } void PaveCoolM::on_taEdit_editingFinished() { if(bedit[1]) { bedit[1] = false; double dTa = rnd2dec(tval[1].toDouble(), DEC_T); if(qFabs(convt(bsi, dTa) - dList[2]) > EN12) { checkval(&dTa, TA_MIN, TA_MAX, TEMP); dList[2] = convt(bsi, dTa); // stored as °C ui->taEdit->setText(txtdbl(dTa, DEC_T)); resetOutput(); } } } void PaveCoolM::on_vwEdit_textEdited(const QString &arg1) { tval[2] = arg1; bedit[2] = true; } void PaveCoolM::on_vwEdit_editingFinished() { if(bedit[2]) { bedit[2] = false; double dSw = rnd2dec(tval[2].toDouble(), DEC_V); if(qFabs(convlll(bsi, dSw) - dList[7]) > EN12) { checkval(&dSw, V_MIN, V_MAX, VEL); dList[7] = convlll(bsi, dSw); // stored as km/h ui->vwEdit->setText(txtdbl(dSw, DEC_V)); resetOutput(); } } } void PaveCoolM::on_skyCombo_currentIndexChanged(int index) { iList[0] = index; resetOutput(); } void PaveCoolM::on_latEdit_textEdited(const QString &arg1) { bedit[3] = true; tval[3] = arg1; } void PaveCoolM::on_latEdit_editingFinished() { if(bedit[3]) { bedit[3] = false; double dL = rnd2dec(tval[3].toDouble(), LAT_DEC); if(qFabs(dL - dList[1]) > EN12) { checkval(&dL, LAT_MIN, LAT_MAX, LAT); dList[1] = dL; ui->latEdit->setText(txtdbl(dL, LAT_DEC, false, true, false)); resetOutput(); } } } void PaveCoolM::on_gradCombo_currentIndexChanged(int index) { iList[1] = index; resetOutput(); } void PaveCoolM::on_hiCombo_currentIndexChanged(int index) { iList[2] = index; if(!bopen && bList[0]) on_actionStart_Stop_Temperatures_triggered(); resetOutput(); } void PaveCoolM::on_loCombo_currentIndexChanged(int index) { iList[3] = index; if(!bopen && bList[0]) on_actionStart_Stop_Temperatures_triggered(); resetOutput(); } void PaveCoolM::on_hDSpin_valueChanged(double arg1) { val[0] = arg1; bedit[4] = true; if(bunit) { resetOutput(); bunit = false; } if(setSpin(rnd2dec(convl(true, dList[0], bsi), decl(bsi)), &val[0], incl(bsi))) {// check to see if spinner was used and reset the value if necessary bspin = true; ui->hDSpin->clearFocus(); } } void PaveCoolM::on_hDSpin_editingFinished() { if(bedit[4]) { bedit[4] = false; val[0] = rnd2dec(val[0], decl(bsi)); if(qFabs(convl(bsi, val[0]) - dList[0]) > EN12) { checkval(&val[0], H_MIN, H_MAX, HT); dList[0] = convl(bsi, val[0]); ui->hDSpin->setValue(val[0]); if(bspin) { ui->hDSpin->setFocus(); bspin = false; } resetOutput(); } } } void PaveCoolM::on_tmSpin_valueChanged(int arg1) { val[1] = double(arg1); bedit[5] = true; if(bunit) { resetOutput(); bunit = false; } } void PaveCoolM::on_tmSpin_editingFinished() { if(bedit[5]) { bedit[5] = false; if(qFabs(convt(bsi, val[1]) - dList[3]) > EN12) { checkval(&val[1], TM_MIN, TM_MAX, TEMP); dList[3] = convt(bsi, val[1]); // stored as °C ui->tmSpin->setValue(nint(val[1])); resetOutput(); } } } void PaveCoolM::on_matCombo_currentIndexChanged(int index) { if(!bopen) { iList[4] = index; updateView(); resetOutput(); } } void PaveCoolM::on_wCombo_currentIndexChanged(int index) { if(index >= 0) { iList[5] = index; resetOutput(); } } void PaveCoolM::on_stateCombo_currentIndexChanged(int index) { if(index >= 0) { iList[6] = index; resetOutput(); } } void PaveCoolM::on_tsEdit_textEdited(const QString &arg1) { tval[4] = arg1; bedit[6] = true; } void PaveCoolM::on_tsEdit_editingFinished() { if(bedit[6]) { bedit[6] = false; double dTs = rnd2dec(tval[4].toDouble(), DEC_T); if(qFabs(convt(bsi, dTs) - dList[4]) > EN12) { checkval(&dTs, TS_MIN, TS_MAX, TEMP); dList[4] = convt(bsi, dTs); // stored as °C ui->tsEdit->setText(txtdbl(dTs, DEC_T)); resetOutput(); } } } void PaveCoolM::on_calcButton_clicked() { calculate(); ui->titleLabel->setText(tr("Project") + ": " + sList[0]); ui->pcTab->setCurrentIndex(1); ui->startEdit->setText(txtdbl(timeStart, 0)); ui->stopEdit->setText(tStop); } void PaveCoolM::on_discButton_clicked() { QMessageBox msg; msg.setFont(PaveCoolM::font()); msg.setWindowTitle(APP + " " + tr("Disclaimer")); msg.setText(tDisclaimer); msg.exec(); } void PaveCoolM::on_pdfButton_clicked() { on_actionSave_PDF_triggered(); } void PaveCoolM::openRecent() { QAction *action = qobject_cast(sender()); if(action) { if(bmodified) { if(askSave()) { if(!Read(action->data().toString())) appSettings(action->data().toString(), NOFILE); } } else if(!Read(action->data().toString())) appSettings(action->data().toString(), NOFILE); } } void PaveCoolM::checkval(double *CheckValue, double Min, double Max, const int &ntype) { bool btrim = false; int dec = 0; QString twarn = ""; QString tunit = ""; QString tmsg = ""; switch (ntype) { case TEMP: { dec = DEC_T; twarn = tr("Temperature"); tunit = txtt(bsi); Min = rnd2dec(convt(true, Min, bsi), DEC_T); Max = rnd2dec(convt(true, Max, bsi), DEC_T); } break; case HT: { dec = decl(bsi); twarn = tr("Lift Thickness"); tunit = txtl(bsi); Min = rnd2dec(convl(true, Min, bsi), decl(bsi)); Max = rnd2dec(convl(true, Max, bsi), decl(bsi)); } break; case VEL: { twarn = tr("Wind speed"); dec = DEC_V; tunit = txtv(bsi); Min = rnd2dec(convlll(true, Min, bsi), DEC_V); Max = rnd2dec(convlll(true, Max, bsi), DEC_V); } break; case LAT: { btrim = true; twarn = tr("Latitude"); dec = DEC_LAT; tunit = "°N"; } break; } if(*CheckValue < Min) { tmsg = tr("%1 must be at least %2 %3") .arg(twarn).arg(txtdbl(Min, dec, false, btrim, false)).arg(tunit); *CheckValue = Min; } else if(*CheckValue > Max) { tmsg = tr("%1 must not exceed %2 %3") .arg(twarn).arg(txtdbl(Max, dec, false, btrim, false)).arg(tunit); *CheckValue = Max; } if(tmsg != "") { QMessageBox msgBox; msgBox.setText(tmsg); msgBox.exec(); } } void PaveCoolM::SetDefaults(bool bkeepname) { // Reset all values if(!bkeepname) { tName = ""; tFile = ""; } // Serialized variables bList[0] = false; // true = user-defined temperatures iList[0] = SKY_DEF; // combo indexes iList[1] = GRAD_DEF; // fine/dense or SMA iList[2] = PGHI_DEF; // High PG temperature iList[3] = PGLO_DEF; // Low PG temperature iList[4] = MAT_DEF; // existing surface iList[5] = W_DEF; // wet or dry iList[6] = STATE_DEF; // frozen or not dList[0] = H_DEF; // lift thickness dList[1] = LAT_DEF; // Latitude dList[2] = TA_DEF; // air temperature in °C dList[3] = TM_DEF; // mix delivery temperature dList[4] = TS_DEF; // existing surface temperature dList[7] = V_DEF; // wind velocity in km/h sList[0] = ""; vList[0] = QDate::currentDate(); vList[1] = QTime::currentTime(); updateView(); bmodified = false; } void PaveCoolM::updateView() { PaveCoolM::setWindowTitle(newWinTitle(tName)); ui->actionEnglish->setChecked(!bsi); ui->actionSI->setChecked(bsi); ui->action12_Hour->setChecked(!bList[2]); ui->action24_Hour->setChecked(bList[2]); ui->actionUS->setChecked(!bList[4]); ui->actionISO->setChecked(bList[4]); QString dformat = bList[4] ? "yyyy-MM-dd" : "M/d/yyyy"; //ui->dateEdit->setDisplayFormat(dformat); ui->dateButton->setText(vList[0].toDate().toString(dformat)); ui->skyCombo->setCurrentIndex(iList[0]); ui->gradCombo->setCurrentIndex(iList[1]); ui->hiCombo->setCurrentIndex(iList[2]); ui->loCombo->setCurrentIndex(iList[3]); ui->matCombo->setCurrentIndex(iList[4]); if(iList[4] < 2) {// disable material condition buttons for asphalt and concrete ui->wCombo->setCurrentIndex(-1); ui->stateCombo->setCurrentIndex(-1); ui->wCombo->setDisabled(true); ui->stateCombo->setDisabled(true); } else { ui->wCombo->setDisabled(false); ui->stateCombo->setDisabled(false); ui->wCombo->setCurrentIndex(iList[5]); ui->stateCombo->setCurrentIndex(iList[6]); } ui->hDSpin->setDecimals(decl(bsi)); ui->hDSpin->setSingleStep(incl(bsi)); ui->hDSpin->setValue(rnd2dec(convl(true,dList[0], bsi), decl(bsi))); ui->latEdit->setText(txtdbl(dList[1], LAT_DEC, false, true, false)); ui->taEdit->setText(txtdbl(convt(true, dList[2], bsi), DEC_T)); ui->tmSpin->setValue(int(rnd2dec(convt(true, dList[3], bsi),0))); ui->tsEdit->setText(txtdbl(convt(true, dList[4], bsi), DEC_T)); ui->vwEdit->setText(txtdbl(convlll(true, dList[7], bsi), DEC_V)); ui->projectEdit->setText(sList[0]); //ui->dateEdit->setDate(vList[0].toDate()); tval[0] = txthrmin(vList[1].toTime().hour(), vList[1].toTime().minute(), bList[2]); ui->timeEdit->setText(tval[0]); ui->huLabel->setText(txtl(bsi)); ui->tauLabel->setText(txtt(bsi)); ui->tmuLabel->setText(txtt(bsi)); ui->tsuLabel->setText(txtt(bsi)); ui->vuLabel->setText(txtv(bsi)); if(bList[3]) on_calcButton_clicked(); if(bcalc) ui->actionExport_Data->setDisabled(false); else ui->actionExport_Data->setDisabled(true); //tooltips //if(bList[4]) ui->dateEdit->setAccessibleName("Start Date: year, month, day"); //else ui->dateEdit->setAccessibleName("Start Date: month, day, year"); if(bList[4]) ui->dateButton->setAccessibleName("Start Date: year, month, day"); else ui->dateButton->setAccessibleName("Start Date: month, day, year"); bopen = false; repaint(); } void PaveCoolM::resetOutput() { if(!bopen) { bmodified = true; if(!noreset) { ui->startEdit->setText(""); ui->stopEdit->setText(""); ui->actionExport_Data->setDisabled(true); bcalc = false; bList[3] = false; repaint(); } noreset = false; } } bool PaveCoolM::Open() { // QString tOpenFile = QFileDialog::getOpenFileName(this, tr("Open %1 File").arg(APP), // tPath, tr("%1 Files (*.%2)").arg(APP).arg(APPEXT)); int ntmp = 3; // pc3 QString tOpenFile = fileDlg("", &ntmp, true); if(tOpenFile.isEmpty()) return false; else return Read(tOpenFile); } bool PaveCoolM::askSave() { QMessageBox::StandardButton ret; ret = QMessageBox::warning(this, QApplication::applicationName(), tr("The document has been modified.") + "\n" + tr("Do you want to save your changes?"), QMessageBox::Yes | QMessageBox::No | QMessageBox::Cancel); if(ret == QMessageBox::Yes) return Save(tFile); else if(ret == QMessageBox::Cancel) return false; else return true; } bool PaveCoolM::Save(const QString &fileName) { if(!fileName.isEmpty()) return Write(fileName); else return SaveAs(fileName); } bool PaveCoolM::SaveAs(const QString &fileName) { appSettings("", READREG); QString newName = fileName; if(newName.isEmpty()) newName = tName; if(newName.isEmpty()) newName = sList[0].isEmpty() ? QApplication::applicationName() + "1" : sList[0]; int ntmp = 3; // pc3 newName = fileDlg(newName, &ntmp); if(!newName.isEmpty()) return Write(newName); else return false; } bool PaveCoolM::Write(const QString &fileName) { QSaveFile mFile(fileName); // mFile.setFileName(fileName); mFile.setDirectWriteFallback(true); if(!mFile.open(QFile::WriteOnly)) { QMessageBox msgBox; msgBox.setText(tr("File could not be saved.")); msgBox.exec(); return false; } QDataStream out(&mFile); // Save Qt version so data from old files can be updated if necessary out.setVersion(QDataStream::Qt_5_2); // Create header with verification number and version number out << qint32(0xC01DE57); // out << qint32(0xFADE2B); // verification test out << nVersion; out << bList; // QList of bool out << iList; // QList of int out << dList; // QList of double out << sList; // QList of QString out << vList; // QList of QVariant bool bcom = mFile.commit(); if(bcom) { QFileInfo mInfo(fileName); tName = mInfo.fileName(); tFile = fileName; updateView(); bmodified = false; appSettings(fileName, SETREG); } return bcom; } bool PaveCoolM::Read(const QString &fileName) { int i; bopen = false; qDebug() << fileName; QFile mFile(fileName); if(!mFile.exists()) qDebug() << "Doesn't exist"; if(!mFile.open(QFile::ReadOnly)) { QMessageBox msgBox; msgBox.setText(tr("File not found.")); msgBox.exec(); return false; } QDataStream in(&mFile); // Verify header information qint32 verify, version; in >> verify; if(verify == 0xC01DE57) { // Get Qt version // int qver = in.version(); // for later use in >> version; if(version < nVersion) {// or if(version < 3000), if(version >= 3009)... // update values if necessary } in >> bList; // QList of bool in >> iList; // QList of int in >> dList; // QList of double in >> sList; // QList of QString in >> vList; // QList of QVariant bsi = bList[1]; mFile.close(); QFileInfo mInfo(fileName); tName = mInfo.fileName(); tFile = fileName; bopen = true; updateView(); bmodified = false; appSettings(fileName, SETREG); return true; } else { mFile.close(); QFile txtFile(fileName); txtFile.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly); QXmlStreamReader xml(&txtFile); xml.readNext(); while(xml.name() != "verify") xml.readNext(); verify = xml.readElementText().toInt(); if(verify == 0xB01DE57) {// text file exported from PaveCoolM 2.5 QList nTime; // import time fragments from xml file nTime.reserve(5); for(i = 0; i < 5; ++i) { nTime.append(0); } while(xml.name() != "bList") xml.readNext(); for(i = 0; i < 4; ++i) { xml.readNextStartElement(); bList[i] = xml.readElementText().toInt(); } while(xml.name() != "iList") xml.readNext(); for(i = 0; i < 7; ++i) { xml.readNextStartElement(); iList[i] = xml.readElementText().toInt(); } while(xml.name() != "dList") xml.readNext(); for(i = 0; i < 8; ++i) { xml.readNextStartElement(); dList[i] = xml.readElementText().toDouble(); } while(xml.name() != "nTime") xml.readNext(); for(i = 0; i < nTime.size(); ++i) { xml.readNextStartElement(); nTime[i] = xml.readElementText().toInt(); } while(xml.name() != "projectTitle") xml.readNext(); sList[0] = xml.readElementText(); if(xml.hasError()) { QMessageBox msgBox; msgBox.setText(tr("xml error")); msgBox.exec(); return false; } bsi = bList[1]; vList[0] = QDate(nTime[0], nTime[1], nTime[2]); vList[1] = QTime(nTime[3], nTime[4]); tName = QFileInfo(fileName).fileName(); QMessageBox msgBox; msgBox.setText(tr("File imported successfully.")); msgBox.exec(); txtFile.close(); bopen = true; updateView(); return true; } else { QMessageBox msgBox; msgBox.setText(tr("Incorrect file format.%1Code %2").arg("\n").arg(QString::number(verify))); msgBox.exec(); txtFile.close(); return false; } } } QString PaveCoolM::newWinTitle(const QString &tTitle) { QString ttmp = QApplication::applicationName() + " " + txtdbl(double(nint(double(nVersion * 0.01))) * 0.1, 1); if(!tTitle.isEmpty()) { ttmp = ttmp + " - " + tTitle; } return ttmp; } QString PaveCoolM::fileDlg(const QString &fName, int *nExt, bool bopen) { pcFileDlg dlg; dlg.bopen = bopen; dlg.ntype = *nExt; dlg.tdir = tPath; dlg.tdisp = fName; // dlg.resize(screenrect.size()); dlg.resize(PaveCoolM::size()); QString tAction = bopen ? tr("Open") : tr("Save"); if(*nExt < 3) dlg.setWindowTitle(tr("Export %1 Data").arg(APP)); else if(*nExt == 3) dlg.setWindowTitle(tAction + " " + APP + " " + tr("File")); else if(*nExt == 4) dlg.setWindowTitle(tr("Save PDF Report")); else { QMessageBox msg; msg.setText("Invalid file type"); msg.exec(); return ""; } dlg.updateView(); int nret = dlg.exec(); if(nret == 1) { if(dlg.ntype < 3) *nExt = dlg.ntype; return dlg.tsave; } else return ""; } void PaveCoolM::paintEvent(QPaintEvent *) { QPixmap pixmap(ui->curveLabel->size()); QPainter painter(&pixmap); int gx = 0; int gy = 0; int gw = ui->curveLabel->width(); int gh = ui->curveLabel->height(); drawGraph(&painter, gx, gy, gw, gh); ui->curveLabel->setPixmap(pixmap); } void PaveCoolM::drawGraph(QPainter *gpaint, int gx, int gy, int gw, int gh, bool bpdf) { int i; QPen pen; pen.setBrush(Qt::black); if(bpdf) pen.setWidth(12); else pen.setWidth(1); gpaint->setPen(pen); gpaint->setBrush(Qt::white); QRect grect(gx, gy, gw-1, gh-1); if(!bpdf) gpaint->drawRect(grect); int ox = gx+gw/8; int oy = gy+gh-gh/7; int endx = gx+gw-gw/12; int endy = gy+gh/8; int lx = endx-ox; int ly = oy-endy; int label = PaveCoolM::font().pointSize(); if(bpdf) label = 12; gpaint->setFont(QFont("Arial", label)); // x&y axis gpaint->setPen(pen); qreal ticx = qreal(gw) / 172.; qreal ticy = qreal(gh) / 175.; gpaint->drawLine(ox, oy, endx, oy); gpaint->drawLine(ox, oy, ox, endy); gpaint->drawText(ox+nint(qFloor(50*ticx)), oy+int(qFloor(20*ticy)), tr("Time, minutes")); // Tick marks int nticx = 6; int nticy; int nt = 20; int tgraph, tmin, tmax, ntemp; gpaint->drawText(ox-int(qFloor(15*ticx)), oy-ly-int(qFloor(10*ticy)), tr("Mix Temperature, %1").arg(txtt(bsi))); nticy = bsi ? 10 : 9; tgraph = int(convt(true,60.0,bsi)); tmin = 60; tmax = 160; ntemp = bsi ? 10 : 20; double dx = double(lx)/double(nticx); double dy = double(ly)/double(nticy); int tick; QString sp = " "; for(i = 0; i <= nticx; ++i) { tick = nint(rnd2dec(ox+i*dx,0)); gpaint->drawLine(tick,oy,tick,oy+nint(qFloor(2*ticy))); gpaint->drawText(tick-int(qFloor(3*ticx)),oy+int(qFloor(10*ticy)),QString::number(i*nt)); } for(i = 0; i <= nticy; ++i) { tick = nint(rnd2dec(oy-i*dy,0)); gpaint->drawLine(ox,tick,ox-nint(qFloor(2*ticx)),tick); if(tgraph+i*ntemp >= 100) sp = ""; gpaint->drawText(ox-int(qFloor(15*ticx)),tick+int(qFloor(2*ticy)),sp+QString::number(tgraph+i*ntemp)); } //minor ticks for(i = 0; i <= nticx*2; ++i) { tick = nint(rnd2dec(ox+i*dx/2,0)); gpaint->drawLine(tick,oy,tick,oy+int(qFloor(2*ticy))); } for(i = 0; i <= nticx*10; ++i) { tick = int(rnd2dec(ox+i*dx/10,0)); gpaint->drawLine(tick,oy,tick,oy+int(qFloor(ticy))); } if(!bsi) { for(i = 0; i <= nticy*2; ++i) { tick = int(rnd2dec(oy-i*dy/2,0)); gpaint->drawLine(ox,tick,ox-int(qFloor(2*ticx)),tick); } } for(i = 0; i <= nticy*10; ++i) { tick = int(rnd2dec(oy-i*dy/10,0)); gpaint->drawLine(ox,tick,ox-int(qFloor(ticx)),tick); } double time = 0.; double ttotal = 120.; // BT changed to static scales int oldx, oldy, newx, newy; oldx = int(ox); oldy = int(oy-(dList[3]-tmin)*ly/(tmax-tmin)); if(bcalc || bpdf) { if(bpdf) pen.setWidth(24); else pen.setWidth(2); for(i = 0; i < THMA.size() && time <= ttotal*60; ++i) { time = double(i) * 20.; newx = int(qFloor(ox+lx*(time/60.0)/ttotal)); if(THMA[i] <= tmax) { if(THMA[i] < tmin) { THMA[i] = tmin; // complete curve without errors } pen.setBrush(QColor(nint(qFloor(105.+150.*(THMA[i]-tmin)/(tmax-tmin))), 105,nint(qFloor(255-250.*(THMA[i]-tmin)/(tmax-tmin))))); gpaint->setPen(pen); newy = int(qFloor(oy-(THMA[i]-tmin)*ly/(tmax-tmin))); gpaint->drawLine(oldx,oldy,newx,newy); oldy = newy; } else oldy = int(oy-ly); oldx = newx; } // legend int length = 20; oldx = ox+int(qFloor(58*ticx)); oldy = oy-ly+int(qFloor(3*ticy)); for(int i = 1; i <= length; i++) { pen.setBrush(QColor(nint(qFloor(255.-150.*double(i)/double(length))), 105,nint(qFloor(5.+250.*double(i)/double(length))))); gpaint->setPen(pen); newx = ox+int(qFloor(58*ticx+i*ticx)); newy = oy-ly+int(qFloor(3*ticy)); gpaint->drawLine(oldx,oldy,newx,newy); oldx = newx; oldy = newy; } if(bList[0]) tstart = dList[5]; // User start temp else tstart = iList[2] > PG_CUTOFF ? TSTART52 : TSTART58; tstop = bList[0]? dList[6] : STOPTEMP; // m_StopTempSI; pen.setBrush(Qt::green); gpaint->setPen(pen); gpaint->drawLine(ox, int(qFloor(oy-(tstart-tmin)*ly/(tmax-tmin))), int(qFloor(ox+lx*timeStart/ttotal)), int(qFloor(oy-(tstart-tmin)*ly/(tmax-tmin)))); gpaint->drawLine(int(qFloor(ox+lx*timeStart/ttotal)), int(qFloor(oy-(tstart-tmin)*ly/(tmax-tmin))), int(qFloor(ox+lx*timeStart/ttotal)), int(oy)); // legend gpaint->drawLine(ox+int(qFloor(58*ticx)),oy-ly+int(qFloor(11*ticy)), ox+int(qFloor(58*ticx+length*ticx)), oy-ly+int(qFloor(11*ticy))); pen.setBrush(Qt::red); gpaint->setPen(pen); gpaint->drawLine(ox, int(qFloor(oy-(tstop-tmin)*ly/(tmax-tmin))), int(qFloor(ox+lx*timeStop/ttotal)), int(qFloor(oy-(tstop-tmin)*ly/(tmax-tmin)))); gpaint->drawLine(int(qFloor(ox+lx*timeStop/ttotal)), int(qFloor(oy-(tstop-tmin)*ly/(tmax-tmin))), int(qFloor(ox+lx*timeStop/ttotal)), int(oy)); // legend gpaint->drawLine(ox+int(qFloor(58*ticx)),oy-ly+int(qFloor(19*ticy)), ox+int(qFloor(58*ticx+length*ticx)), oy-ly+int(qFloor(19*ticy))); // legend text pen.setBrush(Qt::black); gpaint->setPen(pen); gpaint->drawText(ox+int(qFloor(80*ticx)),oy-ly+int(qFloor(5*ticy)), tr("Cooling Curve")); gpaint->drawText(ox+int(qFloor(80*ticx)),oy-ly+int(qFloor(13*ticy)), tr("Start Rolling")); gpaint->drawText(ox+int(qFloor(80*ticx)),oy-ly+int(21*ticy), tr("Stop Rolling")); } } void PaveCoolM::calculate() { bcalc = false; THMA.clear(); qToday = QDate::currentDate(); qNow = QTime::currentTime(); timeStart = 0.0; // not resetting caused an error when reducing Start Paving temperature timeStop = 0.0; double PctClouds = double(iList[0]) * 0.25; double LiftThick = dList[0]; double Tair = dList[2]; double BasT = dList[4]; double tlift = dList[3]; double Wind = dList[7]; if(bList[0]) tstart = dList[5]; // User start temp else tstart = iList[2] > PG_CUTOFF ? TSTART52 : TSTART58; tstop = bList[0]? dList[6] : STOPTEMP; // m_StopTempSI; switch (iList[1]) // Mix Type { case 0: { AsphK = DG_K; AsphCp = DG_CP; AsphRho = DG_RHO; } break; case 1: { AsphK = SMA_K; AsphCp = SMA_CP; AsphRho = SMA_RHO; } break; default: break; }//end switch //FROM HERE TO THE END OF THE FUNCTION, EVERYTHING IS IN SI!!! //These arrays have been added so that the pavement system can be 'reverse numbered' int nn[MAXLAYER]; // Absolute number of last node in zone[LAYER] int zones; // number of zones used, must be .LE. LAYER - 1 double ap[SIZE],aw[SIZE]; // Coefficients double ae[SIZE],b[SIZE]; // Coefficients double T[SIZE]; // Temperature double Delx[SIZE]; // Node cell length double cp[SIZE]; // thermal properties vectors double rho[SIZE]; double K[SIZE]; int i,k; // Counters int j; // Counter for convergence check int Flag; // Flag for checking if deform has been called int Nodes[MAXLAYER]; // number of nodes in each material adds up to nn[LAYER] double Told[SIZE]; // Old time step Temperature double Tconv[SIZE]; // used in residuals calculation double Delt; // Time step double Tinit[MAXLAYER]; // Starting Temperaure of MAXLAYERs double cpinit[MAXLAYER]; // Specific heat of the material in each MAXLAYER double Lift[MAXLAYER]; // Starting thickness of the MAXLAYERs double Kinit[MAXLAYER]; // Inital thermal conductivity of MAXLAYERs double rhoinit[MAXLAYER]; // Initial density of LAYERs double delta; // % compaction of lift - 0 to 100 double h; // Atmoshperic properties double Sigma; // Stephan-Boltzman Constant double Tsky; // Sky temperature - 250K clouds - 100K clear night double Qsun; // Heating performed by sun, 0 to as much as 388 W/m^2) int TotalDays; // Number of days into year, used for Net Solar Flux double ptime; // cooling time till compressed double stime; // time to stop simulation, must be GE ptime double ttime; // total time double Tsum; // Total normailzed temp error, used for convergence // double omega; // relaxation double epsilon = 0.95; // emmisivity of asphalt double Depth; // depth into earth double Tave = 0.0; // used to calculate total heat lost from lift int RtnTime = -1; // Used when in fuction mode...When cooled to tstop double error; // convergence check variable // set and convert the above variables into what we were reading in before Windows ptime = 20.0E5; // not worried about compaction so never compact stime = 2.1 * 60 * 60; // run the simulation out 2 hours, that should be enough delta = 0.0; // if it does happen to compact, pass zero compaction Lift[1] = LiftThick/1000.0; //puts thickness into meters Tinit[1] = tlift; Kinit[1] = AsphK; cpinit[1] = AsphCp; rhoinit[1] = AsphRho; switch (iList[4]) // existing surface { case 0: {//AC BasK = AC_BASE_K; BasCp = AC_BASE_CP; BasRho = AC_BASE_RHO; } break; case 1: {//PCC BasK = PCC_K; BasCp = PCC_CP; BasRho = PCC_RHO; } break; case 2: {//CA switch(iList[5]*2+iList[6]) { case 0: {//dry unfrozen BasK = CDT_K; BasCp = CDT_CP; BasRho = CDT_RHO; } break; case 1: {//dry frozen BasK = CDF_K; BasCp = CDF_CP; BasRho = CDF_RHO; } break; case 2: {//wet unfrozen BasK = CWT_K; BasCp = CWT_CP; BasRho = CWT_RHO; } break; case 3: {//wet frozen BasK = CWF_K; BasCp = CWF_CP; BasRho = CWF_RHO; } break; } } break; case 3: {//FA switch(iList[5]*2+iList[6]) { case 0: {//dry unfrozen BasK = FDT_K; BasCp = FDT_CP; BasRho = FDT_RHO; } break; case 1: {//dry frozen BasK = FDF_K; BasCp = FDF_CP; BasRho = FDF_RHO; } break; case 2: {//wet unfrozen BasK = FWT_K; BasCp = FWT_CP; BasRho = FWT_RHO; } break; case 3: {//wet frozen BasK = FWF_K; BasCp = FWF_CP; BasRho = FWF_RHO; } break; } } break; default: break; } Kinit[2] = BasK; cpinit[2] = BasCp; rhoinit[2] = BasRho; Tinit[2] = BasT; TotalDays = vList[0].toDate().dayOfYear(); // calcualte net solar flux for clear sky // this function takes latitude,day of year, and hour of day and // calculated CLEAR sky solar flux, it returns zero if it is night double phi, t; int d; double theta,sigma,iflux,nsf; double psi,cZ,hp,beta,decl; double Pi,Ellip,Solar; Pi = 3.14159265359; phi = qFabs(dList[1]) * Pi / 180.0; // latitude d = TotalDays; t = double(vList[1].toTime().hour()) + double(vList[1].toTime().minute())/60.0; Ellip = 0.0167238; // Ellipticity of Earth's orbit Solar = 1377.0; // W/m^2 theta = 2*Pi*(d-2)/365.242; if(d == 1) theta = 2*Pi*(d+363.0)/365.242; psi = 2*Pi*(d-1)/356.242; sigma = 279.9348+1.914827*qSin(psi)-0.079525*qCos(psi) +0.019938*qSin(2*psi)-0.001620*qCos(2*psi)+psi*180.0/Pi; decl=qAsin(qSin(0.409172)*qSin(sigma*Pi/180)); if(dList[1] < 0) decl *= -1.; // added in 2014 for southern hemisphere locations beta=0.12357*qSin(psi)-0.004289*qCos(psi)+0.153809*qSin(2*psi)+0.060783*qCos(2*psi); hp=(t-beta-12.0)*Pi/12.0; cZ=qSin(phi)*qSin(decl)+qCos(phi)*qCos(decl)*qCos(hp); iflux=Solar*cZ*qPow(1+Ellip*qCos(theta),2)/(1-qPow(Ellip,2)); nsf=(0.828*iflux-47.4); if(nsf<=0.0) nsf=0.0; Qsun = nsf; // if nsf is zero its night, set Tsky accordingly work in Kelvins // see example Krieth & Black pg 321 if(qFabs(Qsun) < EN12) // avoid == 0.0 comparison Tsky = (Tair+48)*double(PctClouds)/100.0+225.0; else Tsky = Tair+273.0; // finally set Qsun according to %Clouds & don't forget absorbance= 0.85 Qsun = 0.85*Qsun*(1.0 - PctClouds); //PctClouds all ready in decimal // fix the rest of the variables that we did not read in.... zones = 4; // number of zones used, must be .LE. Layer - 1 Nodes[1] = nint(100 * Lift[1]); // seems to give good resolution for problem if(Nodes[1] <6) Nodes[1]=6; // never run with less! if(Nodes[1] >50) Nodes[1]=50; // defined SIZE controls maximum Nodes[2] = 6; Lift[2] = 0.06; Nodes[3] = 6; // number of nodes in region 3 Lift[3] = 0.1; // Lower base material properties, meters Tinit[3] = Tinit[2]; // Deg C Kinit[3] = Kinit[2]; // W/m*K cpinit[3] = cpinit[2]; // J/kg*K rhoinit[3] = rhoinit[2]; // kg/m^3 Nodes[4] = 8; // number of nodes in region 4 Lift[4] = 0.2; // zone 4 material properties, meters Tinit[4] = Tinit[2]; // Deg C Kinit[4] = Kinit[2]; // W/m*K cpinit[4] = cpinit[2]; // J/kg*K rhoinit[4] = rhoinit[2]; // kg/m^3 Delt = 20.0; // time step seconds Wind /= 3.6; // Convert km/h to m/s // h = 7.4+26.6*qPow(Wind/6.7,0.75); Alford, et al - W/m^2*K // h = 4.89187*qPow(Wind,0.8); Luoma's calcs // if(h < 1.0) h=1.0; // Convective Cooling Coeff (W/m^2*K) h = 3.152*(1.3 + 0.62*qPow(Wind*2.23,0.75)); // barber? from jordan thomas Sigma = 5.67e-08; // Radiative cooling coefficient ttime = 0.0; // initialize time // omega = 0.25; // relaxation not used error = 1.0e-5; // allowed error Flag = 0; // set defomed flag to zero (has not been called) j = 0; // initialize counter nn[0] = 0; // initialized for loop, nn[0] not used otherwise for (i = 1; i <= zones; ++i)// calculate nn[i] - highest node number is a zone { nn[i] = nn[i-1] + Nodes[i]; } /* Initialize T[i],cp[i],rho[i],K[i], and Delx[i], remember, node 0 is the special surface node and does not have a volume associated with it we set Delx[0] and cp[0] to zero to perform this w/o dividing by zero later on*/ k = 1; for (i = 0; i<=nn[zones]; ++i) { if(i > nn[k]) ++k; // if we are in the next zone, use those properties T[i] = Tinit[k]; cp[i] = cpinit[k]; rho[i] = rhoinit[k]; K[i] = Kinit[k]; Delx[i]=Lift[k]/(Nodes[k]); // Initial thickness of CVFE cells } Delx[0] = 0.0; cp[0] = 0.0; for (i = 0; i<=nn[zones]; ++i) { Told[i] = T[i]; // map initial values into Told } Depth = 0.0; for (i = 0; i<=nn[zones]; ++i) // print out initial node values { Depth = Depth + Delx[i]/2.0; if(i==0) Depth = 0.0; Depth = Depth + Delx[i]/2.0; if(i==0) Depth = 0.0; } // Start of time step THMA.append(dList[3]); // m_DelivTempSI ten: ttime += Delt; // Map Temperature values for convergence check twenty: for (i = 0; i<=nn[zones]; ++i) { Tconv[i] = T[i]; // map initial values into Tconv } // Start of iteration // Calculate Coefficients note - don't do end points for (i=1; i<=(nn[zones]-1); ++i) { // see Patanka pg46 aw[i]=1.0/((Delx[i-1]/(2.0*K[i-1]))+(Delx[i]/(2.0*K[i]))); ae[i]=1.0/((Delx[i+1]/(2.0*K[i+1]))+(Delx[i]/(2.0*K[i]))); ap[i]=ae[i]+aw[i]+(rho[i]*cp[i]*Delx[i])/Delt; b[i]=(rho[i]*cp[i]*Delx[i])*Told[i]/Delt; } // Modify endpoints now... // Convective/radiative boundary condition on node 0 & 1 - see Patanka pg 27,80 ae[0]=+(4.0/3.0)*K[1]*2.0/Delx[1]; aw[0]=(1.0/3.0)/(Delx[1]/(2.0*K[1])+Delx[2]/(2.0*K[2])); ap[0]=ae[0]+h; b[0]=h*Tair+Qsun-epsilon*Sigma*(qPow((T[0]+273.0),4)-qPow(Tsky,4)); // Modify node 1 coefficients for higher accuracy ae[1]=+(4.0/3.0)*ae[1]; aw[1]=+(4.0/3.0)*K[1]*2.0/Delx[1]; ap[1]=ae[1]+aw[1]+(rho[1]*cp[1]*Delx[1])/Delt; // insulated boundary condition ae[nn[zones]]=0.0; aw[nn[zones]]=1.0/((Delx[i-1]/2.0*K[i-1])+(Delx[i]/2.0*K[i])); ap[nn[zones]]=aw[nn[zones]]+(rho[i]*cp[i]*Delx[i])/(Delt); b[nn[zones]]=Told[nn[zones]]*(rho[i]*cp[i]*Delx[i])/(Delt); // Call Tri-Diagonal Matrix Solver // Note: all parameters used by solver // have been declared as global. /**** * TDMA SOLVER - Tri diagonal matrix solver (Gauss elimination) *****/ double p[SIZE],q[SIZE]; double bot; p[0] = ae[0]/ap[0]; q[0] = b[0]/ap[0]; for (i=1; i<=(nn[zones]); ++i) { bot = ap[i] -aw[i] * p[i-1]; p[i] = ae[i]/bot; q[i] = (b[i]+aw[i]*q[i-1])/bot; } T[nn[zones]]=q[nn[zones]]; // since p[nn[z]]=0 because ae[nn[z]]=0 for (i=nn[zones]-1; i>= 0; --i) { T[i] = p[i]*T[i+1]+q[i]; } //complete effort for second order accuracy, need to specially calculate // T[0] as documented on pg. 83 equation 5.44 of Patankar T[0] = (ae[0]*T[1] + aw[0]*(T[1]-T[2]) + b[0])/ap[0]; // this check is needed to ensure convergence // because of non-linear source terms at boundary Tsum=0.0; ++j; // increment convergence counter for (i = 0; i <= ( nn[zones]); ++i) {//number of calls to TDMA Tsum=Tsum+(T[i]-Tconv[i])/(T[1]-Tair); } if(j>=100) // Check for infinite loop {//maximum number of iteration exceeded RtnTime = -2; goto end; } // Check for Convergence if(qFabs(Tsum) > error) goto twenty; j=0; // converged, reset counter // Swap Old for New for next time step for (i = 0; i <= (nn[zones]); ++i) { Told[i] = T[i]; } // Check to see if it is time to deform grid and make sure you deform only once if((ttime >= ptime) && (Flag == 0)) { /****** * deformation subroutine *****/ /* Currently we deform up to nn[1] nodes by a specified amount. We hope to be able to define a constitutive model based on node temperature, local stress from rolling, and previous density for actual deformation */ int i; // delta =36.0; percent deformation,max 36% from Nic-Daines for (i=1; i<=(nn[1]); ++i) { Delx[i] = Delx[i]*(1.0 - delta/100.0); rho[i] = rho[i]/(1.0 - delta/100.0); K[i] = K[i]/(1.0 - delta/100.0); } Flag=1; // deform has been called Depth = 0.0; for (i = 0; i<=nn[zones]; ++i) { Depth = Depth + Delx[i]/2.0; if(i==0) Depth = 0.0; Depth = Depth + Delx[i]/2.0; // prints for center of control volume if(i==0) Depth = 0.0; } } //if(ttime == Delt) THMA[0] = Tinit[1]; //if((fmod(ttime,60) == 0) || (ttime == Delt)) // calculate mean temperature in lift Tave = 0.0; for (i=1; i<= nn[1]; ++i) { Tave = Tave + T[i]/nn[1]; } THMA.append(Tave); if(Tave >= tstart) timeStart = ttime/60.; else if(Tave >= tstop) timeStop = rnd2dec(ttime/60., 0); // don't want to run out to 12 hours, what we are really worried about // is if the lift has cooled below the cutoff required temperature, whatever // that is, for now we know that people care about magic numbers of 120 F // for the lowest temperature and 180 F for minimum rolling temp. if((Tave < tstop) && (RtnTime == -1)) RtnTime = nint(ttime/60.0); if(Tave < 60.0 && qFabs(ttime - Delt) < EN12) //cooled so fast we did not run! { RtnTime = -2; goto end; } if(Tave < 60.0) goto end; //cooled to 122 Deg F so stop! if((ttime >= 5.0*60.0) && (ttime < 5.0*60.+Delt)) { for (i = 0; i<=nn[zones]; ++i) // print out initial node values { Depth = Depth + Delx[i]/2.0; if(i==0) Depth = 0.0; Depth = Depth + Delx[i]/2.0; if(i==0) Depth = 0.0; } } if((ttime >= 10.0*60.0) && (ttime < 10.0*60+Delt)) { for (i = 0; i<=nn[zones]; ++i) // print out initial node values { Depth = Depth + Delx[i]/2.0; if(i==0) Depth = 0.0; Depth = Depth + Delx[i]/2.0; if(i==0) Depth = 0.0; } } if((ttime >= 15.0*60.0) && (ttime < 15.0*60+Delt)) { for (i = 0; i<=nn[zones]; ++i) // print out initial node values { Depth = Depth + Delx[i]/2.0; if(i==0) Depth = 0.0; Depth = Depth + Delx[i]/2.0; if(i==0) Depth = 0.0; } } if((ttime >= 20.0*60.0) && (ttime < 20.0*60+Delt)) { for (i = 0; i<=nn[zones]; ++i) // print out initial node values { Depth = Depth + Delx[i]/2.0; if(i==0) Depth = 0.0; Depth = Depth + Delx[i]/2.0; if(i==0) Depth = 0.0; } } if(ttime < stime) goto ten; end: timeStop = rnd2dec(timeStop, 0); if(timeStop > 120.) { timeStop = 120.; tStop = ">120"; } else { tStop = txtdbl(timeStop, 0); } bcalc = true; bList[3] = true; // calculate if file is saved & opened ui->actionExport_Data->setDisabled(false); PaveCoolM::update(); // repaints window } void PaveCoolM::on_saveButton_clicked() { on_actionSave_triggered(); } void PaveCoolM::on_pcTab_currentChanged(int index) { if(index == 1) on_calcButton_clicked(); } void PaveCoolM::pcLayout() { // layout correction QScreen *screen = QGuiApplication::primaryScreen(); QFontMetrics fm(PaveCoolM::font()); screenrect = screen->geometry(); wp = screenrect.width(); hp = screenrect.height(); x0 = screenrect.topLeft().x(); y0 = screenrect.topLeft().y(); //debug wp = PaveCoolM::width(); hp = PaveCoolM::height(); x0 = 0; y0 = 0; QMessageBox msg; msg.setText(QString::number(wp) + " pdpi " + QString::number(screen->physicalDotsPerInchX()) + " ldpi " + QString::number(screen->logicalDotsPerInchX())); // msg.exec(); ws = wp/50; // horizontal space hs = hp/100; // vertical space ht = hs*5; // text height hb = hs*6; // button height int nleft = ws; // location of current widget int ntop = hs; int wt = fm.width(ui->projectLabel->text()); ui->pcTab->setGeometry(x0,y0,wp,hp); ui->projectLabel->setGeometry(nleft,ntop,wt,hb); nleft = nleft+wt+ws; ui->projectEdit->setGeometry(nleft,ntop,wp-nleft-ws*2,hb); nleft = ws; ntop = ntop+hb+hs; wt = fm.width(ui->dateLabel->text()); ui->dateLabel->setGeometry(nleft,ntop,wt,hb); nleft = nleft+wt+ws; ui->dateButton->setGeometry(nleft,ntop,ws*17,hb); nleft = nleft+18*ws; wt = fm.width(ui->timeLabel->text()); ui->timeLabel->setGeometry(nleft,ntop,wt,hb); nleft = nleft+wt+ws; ui->timeEdit->setGeometry(nleft,ntop,wp-nleft-ws*2,hb); nleft = ws; ntop = ntop+hb+hs; ui->timeButton->setGeometry(nleft,ntop,wp-3*ws,hb); ntop = ntop+hb+hs; wt = fm.width(ui->skyLabel->text()); ui->skyLabel->setGeometry(nleft,ntop,wt,hb); nleft = nleft+wt+ws; ui->skyCombo->setGeometry(nleft,ntop,wp-nleft-ws*2,hb); nleft = ws; ntop = ntop+hb+hs; ui->taLabel->setGeometry(nleft,ntop,ws*15,ht); nleft = nleft+ws*16; ui->vwLabel->setGeometry(nleft,ntop,ws*17,ht); nleft = nleft+ws*18; ui->latLabel->setGeometry(nleft,ntop,wp-nleft-ws*2,ht); nleft = ws; ntop = ntop+ht+hs; ui->taEdit->setGeometry(nleft,ntop,ws*9,hb); nleft = nleft+ws*10; ui->tauLabel->setGeometry(nleft,ntop,ws*8,hb); nleft = nleft+ws*9; ui->vwEdit->setGeometry(nleft,ntop,ws*9,hb); nleft = nleft+ws*10; ui->vuLabel->setGeometry(nleft,ntop,ws*9,hb); nleft = nleft+ws*10; ui->latEdit->setGeometry(nleft,ntop,ws*9,hb); nleft = nleft+ws*10; ui->luLabel->setGeometry(nleft,ntop,wp-nleft-ws*2,hb); nleft = ws; ntop = ntop+hb+hs; ui->matLabel->setGeometry(nleft,ntop,ws*23,hb); nleft = nleft+ws*24; ui->wCombo->setGeometry(nleft,ntop,ws*12,hb); nleft = nleft+ws*13; ui->ts1Label->setGeometry(nleft,ntop-hs,wp-nleft-ws*2,ht-hs); ui->ts2Label->setGeometry(nleft,ntop+ht-hs*3,wp-nleft-ws*2,ht-hs); nleft = ws; ntop = ntop+hb+hs; ui->matCombo->setGeometry(nleft,ntop,ws*21,hb); nleft = nleft+ws*22; ui->stateCombo->setGeometry(nleft,ntop,ws*14,hb); nleft = nleft+ws*15; ui->tsEdit->setGeometry(nleft,ntop,ws*9,hb); nleft = nleft+ws*10; ui->tsuLabel->setGeometry(nleft,ntop,wp-nleft-ws*2,hb); nleft = ws; ntop = ntop+hb+hs; ui->mixLabel->setGeometry(nleft,ntop,ws*24,ht); nleft = nleft+ws*25; ui->hLabel->setGeometry(nleft,ntop,wp-nleft-ws*2,ht); nleft = ws; ntop = ntop+ht+hs; ui->gradCombo->setGeometry(nleft,ntop,ws*24,hb); nleft = nleft+ws*25; ui->hDSpin->setGeometry(nleft,ntop,ws*18,hb); nleft = nleft+ws*19; ui->huLabel->setGeometry(nleft,ntop,wp-nleft-ws*2,hb); nleft = ws; ntop = ntop+hb+hs; ui->binderLabel->setGeometry(nleft,ntop,ws*24,ht); nleft = nleft+ws*25; ui->tmLabel->setGeometry(nleft,ntop,wp-nleft-ws*2,ht); nleft = ws; ntop = ntop+ht+hs; ui->pgLabel->setGeometry(nleft,ntop,ws*5,hb); nleft = nleft+ws*6; ui->hiCombo->setGeometry(nleft,ntop,ws*8,hb); nleft = nleft+ws*9; ui->loCombo->setGeometry(nleft,ntop,ws*8,hb); nleft = nleft+ws*9; ui->tmSpin->setGeometry(nleft,ntop,ws*18,hb); nleft = nleft+ws*19; ui->tmuLabel->setGeometry(nleft,ntop,wp-nleft-ws*2,hb); nleft = ws; ntop = ntop+hb+hs; ui->calcButton->setGeometry(nleft,ntop,wp-nleft-ws*2,hb); // Results tab ntop = hs; ui->titleLabel->setGeometry(nleft,ntop,wp-nleft-ws*2,ht); ntop = ntop+ht+hs; ui->recLabel->setGeometry(nleft,ntop,ws*20,ht); nleft = nleft+ws*21; ui->startLabel->setGeometry(nleft,ntop,ws*13,ht); nleft = nleft+ws*14; ui->stopLabel->setGeometry(nleft,ntop,wp-nleft-ws*2,ht); nleft = ws; ntop = ntop+ht+hs; ui->recuLabel->setGeometry(nleft,ntop,ws*20,ht); nleft = nleft+ws*21; ui->startEdit->setGeometry(nleft,ntop,ws*13,hb); nleft = nleft+ws*14; ui->stopEdit->setGeometry(nleft,ntop,wp-nleft-ws*2,hb); nleft = ws; ntop = ntop+hb+hs; ui->saveButton->setGeometry(nleft,ntop,ws*15,hb); nleft = nleft+ws*16; ui->pdfButton->setGeometry(nleft,ntop,ws*16,hb); nleft = nleft+ws*17; ui->discButton->setGeometry(nleft,ntop,wp-nleft-ws*2,hb); nleft = ws; ntop = ntop+hb+hs; ui->curveLabel->setGeometry(nleft,ntop,wp-nleft-ws*2,hp-ntop-hs*10); }